Large Scale Central

Mik 2022 - Hale o Waihona Lanahu

India Pale Ale :beer:…It’s a tropical thing! :palm_tree:

And don’t worry, @Rooster , that is mug of ice coffee, not a Coors!

Thanks to all for your kind words! This was another fun year to add to our collective memory banks!


great job team Mueller. Came out nice. and it looks good on the layout.

You got Kidzilla drinking iced coffee? You have a long road ahead !

I was prepping him for an all-nighter…just in case!

What a statement to read drinking coffee. LMAO :sunglasses:

Agreeing with Devon, for years I treated Styrofoam with spray paint the look that it gives is not matched by hand, but be careful a little to much and it disappears, we were having a club meet at may house many years ago and my bridge over the water fall river was just a board, so the day be for the meet I fashioned 1 side and painted it with spray paint the colored it with acrylics and I had a believable coquina stone bridge


Bill: I’ve seen that picture a couple of times now and every time I marvel at it. Just really terrific modeling. Nice job!

I love the various waterfalls, and the building to the left is fabulous.

And the rock bridge looks great!

I have a little project in mind for my foam scraps. I plan to try the spray paint trick, among others, to see what materials I can and cannot simulate with foam.


Bill, and Eric, I’m not following exactly how you are achieving the stone look, did you carve out the stone shapes then the spray paint give it the rough rock look? Thanks!

Pete (@Pete_Lassen ),

We first carved a bunch of irregular shapes using the engraving tool of a “Hotwire” foam cutting kit. We then used some fine sandpaper to remove some foam strings and small foam globs. When that was done, we worked over the foam with a wire brush to texture it and round off the edges. We began painting with a dark wash to get into the seams between the “rocks” as well as into all the divots and holes and scratches from the wire brush. This was a relatively thick wash, as I recall, to cover all the pink but still thin enough to flow into all the nooks and crannies. We finished it up by drybrushing. Our palette had white and black, which gave us a nice greys. We sought to make sure that the rocks looked like they were from the same source, but that they did not look exactly the same.



Kudos to the crew. The way you did the rock is my favorite part of your build this year. Looks fantastic!

Wait ?

Kidzilla is doing “rock” these days? I didn’t think he did an all nighter yet even if he was prepped for one?

Pete, mine i just sprayed the foam with black spray paint then with a small soldering iron i drew in the lines then added color with acrylic paints, hope this helps, Bill

thanks guys , I misunderstood what was Bill saying , I thought he was implying that the spray paint was giving the rock look, but it is the coloring to that ALREADY carved rock in the surface. Sometimes my reading doesn’t equal comprehension!! :crazy_face:

some spray paints have a violent reaction to foam. So it can also be used for sculpting. You get a rough shape with a hot knife or what ever you use and then hit it with spray paint and it will melt the foam into some pretty cool textures. One the spray paint is done, then like bill says come back with acrylics for the actual coloring.

Thanks Jim that building is my 3 story tourist hotel, made using playmobil walls and roofs and some day when I redo it I will post pictures again of it