Large Scale Central

Mik 2015 Challenge Mark D

Mark Demyan said:

BTW it doesn’t look like I will need the blue packing tape so if one of you out there don’t have enough of the blue packing tape for your build I am will at the cost of shipping to send mine to you.

LOL. That’s pretty good. Sounds like one of those e-Bay come on’s. Hope you feel better soon. Flu is getting nasty in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Doc Tom

Well trying to start this when the flu was starting was not a good idea as I did a horrible job gluing the end pieces on. I can over come this when I install the top boards and since it is a Tiki theme not being perfect is what it is all about so in the end maybe this was a good start. I will look at it again tomorrow if I have the energy and motivation to do something with it.

Good luck with the flu, I had a week or 2 of body chills, aches and a wracking cough, now just the cough is left, not as often, but still deep and consuming.

I’ve deconstructed with a screw driver, but I haven’t made it out to the saw yet. No rush… on my project.

Mebbe tomorrow…


OK, the personal problems have piled up I have been dealing with my dad’s declining health. By the time I get home late in the evening I am too tired to work on anything. I am not out just way behind but I am a rookie so I can still meet the expectations of this. Be back shortly!

Mark, that is a shame. Our prayers are with your dad.

Good luck to your Dad, Mark, and hope you’re over that nasty bug; I got a double whammy of flu myself this past month, one after the other, & they hit me pretty hard. Horrendous cough like never before, I think it even injured my vocal cords…

I’m watching here and hoping you’ll get back to it before long. That picture from Devon is very cool. I agree with John C that it’s most likely an Independence Day occasion. I believe Coeur d’Aleine and district would be pretty cold and maybe snowy as well around Christmas time.

MIK himself sent me an archival picture to help with my build a couple of years ago. It was a huge help to me at the time, so, way to go, Devon.

Cheers, everyone!

The past two weeks ended with my dad passing. It was a rough time consumed with the days spent either with my dad or the funeral home. I am finally trying to get back to life but as much as something like this should help me I just can’t concentrate on it so I am going to have to drop out this year.

I will not give up on building my concept it just won’t be any time soon and not before the contest ends. I look forward to checking in on the logs to see how everyone else is progressing.


My prayers and best wishes go out to you and your family. Very tough time. The build will be there when you get through this.

My condolences to you and your family, Mark.

Sorry to hear of your loss Mark. Thoughts and Prayers to You and your Family…

A great loss to you, I am sure Mark. I will remember you and your father in my thoughts.

Indefinite extension granted… Will be watching for new posts as you get around to finishing up.

When we lost my Dad in Sept, Friends would offer up there condolences and asked if I was all right. The best answer I came up with to convay the way I really felt inside without drawing the conversation into the down side, was " I’m pretending to be all right " They seemed to understand.

My prayers to you and yours.

So sorry to hear Mark. Our hearts go out to you.