Large Scale Central

Merry Christmas!


A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND A JOYOUS NEW YEAR FROM THE COLD AND LIGHT SNOW IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST All plows are on standby at this time and the crews are on standby as well.

Paul Austin

What happens when you don’t have enough girls in 3rd grade?


Tom Ruby said:
"Oh wow! The Linus speech. I didn't know that was in the Bible!" -- Jr. Higher at Church one year.

Merry Christmas to all our Railroad Friends.

to all

Merry Christmas! - or merry whatever you celebrate these days!

may you all have high colesterol from good eating and peace from not strifing.

Happy holidays to everyone. We’re staying home and I should be able to run trains on Christmas!

Tom Ruby said:
What happens when you don’t have enough girls in 3rd grade?


Tom is the guy in the middle! Paul


Ken, they missed the Santa globe. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

May 2011 find all of you in good health and bring you all the happyness you desire. Merry Christmas! [url=]




Merry Christmas to one and all

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone from Tennessee. May you all enjoy your families. Doc Tom


(Photo of Shay in snow from the Little River Rail Road Museum, Townsend Tennessee)

“…and may God Bless Us, Everyone!”

Mele Kalikimaka

Merry Christmas everyone.

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night! Now, let’s get outta here before the blizzard hits!
