Large Scale Central

Machining Rails


I can tell you that my RR with hard soldered brass rail, is track powered with ONE set of feeder wires to the middle of a 300 plus feet of (dogbone)loop and minimal voltage drop. If you decide on the brass rail and your concerned about abuse one thing I did learn is to go with the euro ties (if you decide on Aristo or USA) as they are MUCH more robust. This has worked well for me over quite a few years and I have learned from my mistakes and this is why I’m sharing what has worked for me. BTW the rail MUST float in the ties (meaning remove any screws securing the rail to the ties if it has any depending on what you choose).

So, totally cost prohibitive. Tooling and making the machine is one thing, but the cost of stock is insane. I think I’ll end up going with flex track. Trainline45 seems to have a really good price. Oh well, can’t fault me for trying right?

No Mark, no one can fault you for thinking outside the box, I just think you’ll be alot happier playing with your trains instead of trying to re-invent the wheel. I hope I didn’t offend you with my opinon, I just thought you could benefit from my 28 plus years as a machinist and cabinet maker.

As a good friend has said to many of the people in our club, “Just get a loop down and start playing because you can always change things from there but at least you have something to play with”.

Good luck with your adventure, we’ll all be watching.


Mark: I have to agree with everyone else that the cost would be way more than what you would be able to purchase Aluminum or Brass Flex track . I however do like to hand lay my own track on ceder ties using Steel rail, so I get where your coming from. I hand lay my track in 6 foot sections in my work shop and then will install the track module in place when it comes time to install it.

Here is a thought though, Maybe instead of trying to figure out how to build a track (Rail) making machine, How about figure out what modifications could be made to an air powered Stapler so it could be used to spike rails to ties like the old Kadee hand spiker.

That would save tons of time over hand spiking one spike at a time.

Dan S.

Chuck- No offense taken. I’m still fighting the battle of what I think would work vs what actually works. You know, a new guy.

Chuck Inlow said:

Personally I would rather have fun running my trains then spending countless hours making my own track. I use to hand lay all my track when I was in HO, NEVER AGAIN. Just my opinion.


What Chuck said…

I have to admit nothing looks nicer then handlaid track. My goal is to replace my plastic ties with wood. Since my track is already down my plan is to do a section at a time, that way I can still run trains.

Cost? Well, you weren’t considering making it out of osmium or something.