Large Scale Central

LSC 17th Anniversary

That derail is on porpoise. There is a grade there that causes said car to roll downhill while the photographer is busy with the camera!

So there! (

Lou Luczu said:

That derail is on porpoise. There is a grade there that causes said car to roll downhill while the photographer is busy with the camera!

So there! (

for the next time…

a used chewing gum on the offside rail works wonders!

Or a coarse pebble can be an effective chock. Yet true confession tattletales that many times the off set wheel was first choice …(


Yea, a partially derailed truck is an effective brake. Since I have added ball bearing inserts to some of my cars, I have been using that “brake” even more often.

Did no one else get these decals and do a car? I am shocked!


Lou Luczu said:

Did no one else get these decals and do a car? I am shocked!


I have a set, and a car, but its either been too flipping hot, or rainy, so I cant paint the car.

Lou Luczu said:

Did no one else get these decals and do a car? I am shocked!


I got a set, but had to get some siding. Dave @Ozark had some issues first, but I’m now finally ready to get going. Though looking at the siding, I should have got 3 pieces as there’s just not enough left over for the ends. I’m sure I’ll figure out something.

Stan Cedarleaf said:

Hi Guys… The decal set is pretty generic in size and should fit most large scale box cars and reefers…

For reference… The LSC logo is 4 inches long and the entire pdf is 7 1/2 inches wide. That might be an issue for 1:32nd but I can do a set for that as needed…

I’ll be able to mail them in a standard #10 letter size envelope to keep ease of mailing and keep damage down… Full application guidelines will be supplied as well…

Email me @ [email protected] That’s probably the best… Pay Pal or checks work just fine… Payment info will be in the return emails.

Ah, cool. I’m a bit late to this party, but heading off now to compose an email.

Lou Luczu said:

Did no one else get these decals and do a car? I am shocked!


Mine are still sitting on the kitchen table…(

Don’t put your coffee cup on top of it!

Lou Luczu said:

Don’t put your coffee cup on top of it!

Nope. The cup goes on top of the stack of bills…(

Lou Luczu said:

Did no one else get these decals and do a car? I am shocked!


Lou, I ordered them decals. But I dunno if I got them yet or not. Ya see, I am in a hotel in Chicago right now. My boss sent me out here so Canon/Oce can try and stuff more product knowledge into my mostly empty head.

David, remember the words of my dear friend Steve Koszicki:

“I’ll teach them they can’t learn me nothing!”

Lou Luczu said:

David, remember the words of my dear friend Steve Koszicki:

“I’ll teach them they can’t learn me nothing!”

Lou, I need to pass the class. My company gives techs raises for passing classes. Ok, it’s not a big raise, but it will be my fifth one just for going to, and passing, a class.

David Maynard said:

Lou Luczu said:

Did no one else get these decals and do a car? I am shocked!


Lou, I ordered them decals. But I dunno if I got them yet or not. Ya see, I am in a hotel in Chicago right now. My boss sent me out here so Canon/Oce can try and stuff more product knowledge into my mostly empty head.

Hi David… The set was mailed on June 16 in a standard #10 letter envelope with the application guidelines… (

Thanks Stan. Then they are probably on my desk with the rest of my mail.

I finished mine!

More here

As I reflected on this anniversary, I am deeply indebted to two of the principals involved with this car:

Stan has done ALL of my decal work from the very start and even helped develop my logo. My railroad would definitely be very different without his able assistance. Thanks, Stan!!!

And, of course, Bob. Bob has not only been a friend, but has hosted this website through a LOT. I think I didn’t even join until maybe 2003, or 2004. Not really sure, but LSC has also greatly influenced my railroad AND I have met LOTS of people through LSC as well. Lots of neat projects and conversations over the years. LSC is a time machine - I can go back and view posts from years ago; I’ve learned a lot here and I’m still learning. A great site.

Happy Anniversary LSC and many thanks, Bob.

I’m getting all misty.

Lou Luczu said:

I’m getting all misty.

Thanks, Bruce…

It’s been a fun ride on the LSC line for these past 17 years… Misty is OK, Lou… (