Large Scale Central

Looking for Some Sympathy - Long Tale of Woe

Nice job of rebuilding. Now, mix up some 10% India Ink/Isopropyl Alcohol solution and weather those new pieces!

From your description of a long tale of woe, I was expecting Beowulf. Glad everything worked out ok.

It looks fantastic!


Art Sylvester said:

Well, guys, I decided to repair my damaged Howe truss bridge rather than throw it in the trash and buy a new one, which I couldn’t afford anyway. It took 6 weeks of off and on work - mostly off. The image shows the extent of damage better than if I showed the damage itself. The dark wood is the old wood, the new is the white and red, clean wood.

From now on, I’ll store the bridge from a rafter in the garage, well back from the door when it opens, instead of putting it back outdoors under the orange tree, where a sprinkler would hit from one direction, and big oranges falling on it from above.

Looks Great!

Fantastic! Looks good as new!


Will it go back under the Bombin’ Orange tree?

Great rebuild!

What a great looking bridge, Art! I bet you’re even prouder of that bridge now than you were before. Great job. I know that I’ve been down that kind of road way too many times in the past. You get so dang mad at yourself that you feel like your heads is going to explode. But eventually I say to myself, “Self. Ok…breathe… that’s all in the past, this is now, and where do I want to be…Now get busy and make it happen!”. And you sure in the heck did just that. Way to go