The LRRR gets a new bridge at “The Sinks” of the Little River Gorge Atticus was hired on by his Brother in Law ,Col. Townsend ,to work in the Accounting Department of The Little River Rail Road. While he could crunch the numbers he did not have a lick of Rail Road sense. So when he read the timetable that LRRR #2147 would be at the new bridge at The Sinks at 10:45 AM he either did not understand it or just didn’t believe it and he decided he would venture out on the new bridge and enjoy the spectacular gorge below.
At 10:44 AM he had become a believer in the accuracy of trains running on schedule.
All Boss Crumb could say was “Hrumpf”. He continues to wonder about the merits of nepotism. The new bridge was built by my good RR buddy Bill Nelson and is about 5 feet long In the background in picture #4 is the slowly progressing curved trestle at Nelson’s Gap that will eventually cross this line a little south of The Sinks.
Doc Tom