Thanks for the pics, Ken. Almost like we were there ( like everyone was having a grand ol’ time. Layout looks great.
I hope “Le Chuff-Chuff” and Noel arrived safely… there was no picture with them in it. They were the only known Canadians attempting an “Invasion” this year.
Fred Mills
Fred Mills. said:
I hope “Le Chuff-Chuff” and Noel arrived safely… there was no picture with them in it. They were the only known Canadians attempting an “Invasion” this year.
Fred Mills
John and Noelle made it safely.
They even brought apple pie for dessert…(
AHHH, thanks Ken. He looks to be in good form, with all the bells, whistles, and Chuffs. …and even apple pie !!!
Thanks for the photo spread Ken! (
Looks like a good turn out. Thanks for the update. Its great to see everyone enjoying the hobby. 30 degrees this morning in Carlock, Illinois (near Bloomington) There was a big snow event in Chicago for this time of year, so you lucked out on the weather. Glad it all worked out.
Looks like a nice turnout of folks and weather, Ken… (
Jon paying attention to details
Stan in dark blue, Al in lt. blue, John with his back to us, and Jon heading our way at Delores.
John and Al
A little relaxing while the day gets started.
Stan enjoying the day.
Bruce and jean doing a little bird watching
Stan getting down to some serious OPs
While Ken tells him he’s doing it wrong (
Jon and Al teamed up
Ken and Stan working the best move
And it looks like it was step in to reach it.(
I believe it was Jim who brought this line up in
And if you note the caboose above the ore train you are seeing a run away as I grabbed a few shots
And the matching loco for the run away. Crew is left out of the pic on purpose (
I can’t speak for the rest but I had a great time and want to thank Ken again for opening the pike for us.
Great railroad. Looks to me like everything an outdoor model should be. I wish I could get to one of these meet-ups back East there.
edit: And, oh yeah, how can you not love Radder’s track maintenance crew apron???
I’m led to believe that the ore train is a load from the Northern Treacle Mine, up in Canada, ferried to the RGS by young John “Le Chuff-Chuff” LeForestier.
Thanks to everyone that has provided pictures. They are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.
Fred Mills
Fred Mills. said:
I’m led to believe that the ore train is a load from the Northern Treacle Mine, up in Canada, ferried to the RGS by young John “Le Cjuff-Chuff” LeForestier.
That could well be the case Fred and I apologize for any mislabeling on ownership I have done
Hey Dave,
Great pics! Looks like everyone had a great time!
Has “Le Chuff-Chuff” taken up residence in your porch, Ken ? We haven’t had any word from him since he left Toronto. You guys were the last to see him, and Noelle. Send him home, so that he can file his full report on the OVGRS web page, PLEASE.Of course, knowing Johnny; he probably took a wrong turn, and is heading towards Boston, to instigate a new version of a TEA PARTY with Bob !!!..then there is that meandering path towards Cape Cod, and our friend Max Sarazin.
Fred Mills
From what I understand, Fred, he was heading home. Maybe all the excitement wore him out and he’s still napping…(
Here are some pix Noelle took at Ken’s. I’ll let them speak for themselves. The string of seventeen Bachmann side dump cars mentioned and shown above came off my workbench, as Fr Fred suspected. I took them down to Ken’s for a little ‘show and tell’. They were heavily distressed, then painted and lettered. I expect one of these days I’ll weather them on top of the aging they’ve already received. They’ve already come a long way from their original factory fresh smooth and shiny plastic finish. Enjoy the pics of our weekend at Ken’s!
Er… Something went wrong with my upload of about 20 pix. I’ll try again later. Going for supper.
Trying again here…
Fred asked me to take a photo of Ken and Roos, along with Zack. Well, Zack’s Friday game was rained out… was it ever!.. We drove down from Toronto, then over the Appalachians in a constant downpour. Anyway, I guess it was game on for Zack on Saturday. The Russells never did make it to Ken’s, which was a big disappointment.
Never mind, we’ll try again either next year at Ken’s, or at some other event…
Deb and I would like to thank Ken and Beverly for a most enjoyable weekend. We really like Ken’s layout, lots of switching puzzles. And of course lots of time for a little BS. A few photos from the event.
I’m glad you made it down, Stan. I get a kick out of seeing how other people switch the layout.
(BTW, did you get all the work done down at your daughters?)
See ya in July…(