Large Scale Central

Just added two rail clamps

Terry A de C Foley said:
Mrs tac, who is FAR more clever that I am, has the answer to this conundrum, and to many other conundra. She subscribes to the opinion that the earth is actually expanding, which would neatly explain why your rail no longer fits where once it did. Proof of this theory can be obtained quite simply by taking note that everything we want to find from an historical viewpoint seems to be buried, rather than simply lying on the surface. Here in Huntingdon, the entrance to a medieval church is actually four feet below the present street level…and archeologists, examining three local building sites, have found not only Anglo-Saxon graves, but a Roman one as well. By digging. Even our little 7.25" gauge track is slowly being subsumed into the landscape, and we have to dig it out every year or two. Theory proven. QED. tac

That would explain the global warming theory as well…we’re closer to the sun.

Dave, it’s clear that YOU are being UNREASONABLE about this. Why can’t you just except my way? If you would just adopt my big track stretcher plug, we would all benefit. I’ve patented a system of plated rail plugs to take care of shrinkage on your code 349 track. You do use my code 349 track, don’t you? All the cool kids are doing it. If you need some, my wife sells it:)

Steve Featherkile said:
Re: Mrs. TAC's theory that the world is expanding...

The streets of Seattle are now one story above the original streets. If you go down one floor, you find the original main entrances of the buildings that are 100 or so years old.


That was man-made!
But you knew that already, dintcha? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


John Bouck said:
Steve Featherkile said:
Re: Mrs. TAC's theory that the world is expanding...

The streets of Seattle are now one story above the original streets. If you go down one floor, you find the original main entrances of the buildings that are 100 or so years old.


That was man-made!
But you knew that already, dintcha? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



The first rule of being a Raconteur is to never let the truth interfere with a good story. :smiley:

I suspect that one end of the rail is at the vortex of a time / space continuum rift that is causing aluminum atoms to boil away to the planet of lost socks.

There’s a planet of lost socks? I always though the dryer turned socks into metal coat hangers? I’m always missing socks, and Im always throwing away metal hangers (and I never buy any)

Ah, the sock monster. I have one living in my washing machine. But mine seems to be more compensating. Whenever I come up missing socks I find spare change in the bottom of the washer…:confused:


Bob McCown said:
There's a planet of lost socks? I always though the dryer turned socks into metal coat hangers? I'm always missing socks, and Im always throwing away metal hangers (and I never buy any)
Dude!!! yer tossing out valuable scratchbuilding material!!!!
