Large Scale Central

Interview with Axel Dietz, CEO of Märklin Holding

Curmudgeon said:
In the chamber. No magazine required. If the safety is "off", and hammer back, well.................
....guarenteed foot shot?
Curmudgeon said:
Hmmmmm...... All Betts are off?
Betts is off more often than not. Can't be helped, that happens when the upper lip gives out and the lower is quivering.

@ Vic,

Have you ever heard the joke about the lady who wanted to commit suicide?

She wanted to be sure, so she looked up the position of the heart in the medical manual. two fingers width below the left nipple is what is said.
She ended up in emerg with a bullet in her knee.
Similar thing could happen to some of those “clowns” who could shoot themselves in the head (instead of the foot!), delivered to emerg with a bullet in their buttock. Kind of tricky those medical manuals when it comes to locating vital parts, eh? :wink: :open_mouth: :lol: :lol:

This thread reinforces why I like this forum. The other sites make everyone conform to the level of the moderator (with no offence intended or implied). Within reason, Bob allows this site to carry on ‘in absentia’. This allows a degree of bravado, free-spirited thought and discussion, something definately missing on other sterile sites. Along the way there will be casualties and infiltrators, who try to defend the indefensible.

A poster on this site is a well known Aristocraft crony, whose bias in his posts leaves him with no credibility (except on the Aristo site). Similiarly the ‘defectors’ from the other sites who bring their ‘site education’ attitude with them. This site encourages a degree of freedom, a place to express true feelings, without manufacturer or site moderator chastisement (within reason).

Unfortunately these defectors feel threatened when ‘exposed’ and flee with their tail between their legs. If only they would just hang in a little longer they would find a comforting level of comraderie amongst the members, based on personality and not heavy handed moderation and fear. Other sites remind me of youth camps from days of old whereby camp followers are ‘mind trained’ to accept a level of subordination, that they would not accept in their working lives. They sell their freedom to ‘be one of the crowd’. The moderator on a site definately influences the mood of the discussion. A paranoid moderator will have members intimidated and discussion will remain meaningless. A moderator who lacks the ability to organise a group or know anything about handling ‘children’, will similarly compromise the integrity of the site.

Along the same line, I like the ability to “call em as I see 'em”.
Without couching it in PC Phraseology.


Curmudgeon said:
Along the same line, I like the ability to "call em as I see 'em". Without couching it in PC Phraseology.
Is it OK to couch it in MAC Phraseology?

Ok, I’ll go to my room. :smiley:

Steve Featherkile said:
Curmudgeon said:
Along the same line, I like the ability to "call em as I see 'em". Without couching it in PC Phraseology.
Is it OK to couch it in MAC Phraseology?

Ok, I’ll go to my room. :smiley:

Sure it is; here are two examples:


Jack Ass

When you get back from your room you can tell us which type of phraseology applies. :wink: :slight_smile:

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
jackass Jack Ass
I'm not touching either of those. Jill's ass, OTOH ...

(with apologies to any Jills in the audience)

boy, can you imagine dickless going apeshit over that if it was on his forum?

I’ve used monkeyshit to plug watertight bulkheads, but not apeshit. You bubbleheads always get the good stuff.

when the six guns are too hot to handle then he uses personal mail to further the name calling. His motto - ‘do as I say, not as I do.’ Meanwhile the ‘idle’ sheriff sits back and emails out membership renewals as if nothing ever happened.