…There is a committee of the Flat Earth Society, whos’ main effort is to preserve the domain of the “Naugas”. So far they have sent out teams to find it, but none have returned to report.
Hearing of the problem. The Branch Railroadians, are contemplating the building of a "Branch Line’, deep into Nauga territory; with little movement so far due to the loosing of some members to the Procrastinators Club of North America.
It’s all in the hands of The Archie bishop of Winchester now, and he is busy helping his housekeeper to wallpaper the den.
I assure you that I will not buy anything that might have threatened the life of a Nauga, in it’s making.
No Naugas were used in the production of this web site, as far as I know; but then Boby hasn't shown any signs of desire to go big game hunting lately.
As a footnote to this thread:
The whole situation is not limited to the North American continent; the USofA, Canada, or Iceland.
Naugas are threatened even in Quebec and Manhatten. Some were detected, starving in Spitsbergen; others were noted eating plastic waste in HO-HO-Bay Scotland. (That last one was reported after a midnight sundance in Windsor; so cannot be confirmed)