any call i get, i just say: “diga?” (say?) - if they say anything else, than their name, i go on with: “con quien quiere hablar y quien sos?” (with whom do you want to speak and who are you?) if they don’t comply, i just tell them, that they missdialed and hang up.
until now (knocking on wood) only one scammer passed this first screen.
said, he was our local police comisioner, the name of my business and that he needed my help as local merchant. long story short, his son had an accident, and he needed money for an emergency surgery via cellphone payment.
i told him, i needed to buy some telefone cards to be able to transfer.
i called my friend, the real comisioner, who aplied for screening of incoming calls for my phone, and went to our local policestation, we hooked my phone to a speaker and recorder, just in time before the scammer called again.
we “caught” him, but he couldn’t be arrested. the caller was an inmate of the federal jail. but they confiscated his cellphone…