Large Scale Central

I am at a crossroads......

I found the secret to beating the Lottery: you pick your own numbers instead of letting the machine pick random numbers for you.

I played six numbers last Wednesday and I got two numbers right (out of 36 total). This proves it works. Last month I let the machine pick the numbers and I got only one right.

If I play five more times at this rate of improvement, I should win the lottery in five more tries.

My “secret” didn’t work as well…

You might as well toss the money out of a moving car, than give yourself a heart attack waiting to see if you beat the Billions -to-One odds. Or you could spend the money on LS railroad stuff and have a winner every time!

Yeah, but your chance of winning is vastly increased by the simple act of buying a ticket. (

Steve Featherkile said:

My now deceased m-i-l had a lottery ticket with 6 of 7 numbers correct and in sequence. She was told by her idiot youngest daughter that the ticket was worthless. In truth, it was worth several hundreds of thousands of dollars. In a landfill, somewhere…(

Ouch! That just proves you need consider the source of your information.

John Caughey said:

I just know that container of Beanie Babies is going to pay off!(

Yea, how many people still have boxes of them things, that they overpaid for? Back when the craze was on, people couldn’t understand why I bought several of the one before the craze, and gave them to my dog.

One, she loved her “Charlie”. She never went anywhere without it. So I had spares for when Charlie was beyond saving.

Two, when I bought them I had no idea the craze was going to happen.

And three, I knew it was a fad that would soon pass. Just like the Diesel-lectric fad

Matt, my son in law worked for Am Express forabout 10 years, but every 2 years or so they would eliminate or outsource his job, so he would ,(after training his replacements a couple of times) relie on contacts withing to apply for a new job within AMEX, or a subsidary after about the 4th or 5th time, the stress of having to move to a new job within the same company, actually be hired, not just move, he took an application to a private university, doing close to the same work, with a great benefit package. I guess I am also kind of rambling, but a new job without the problems( school district with its budget problems)in a company with a stable history , even at a slightly lower pay in the beginning, may be the stress reliever you need, expand your IT skills and in a area near family.

Big , in our side of the equation is moving and having to rebuild your layout, but since you had expected to move anyway , it not a complete shocker, just a few years ahead of schedule. But after seeing how quickly you built the current layout, I am sure you will have one up and running quickly

I would send the resume to them and take it from there. Big decisions ahead for you . I got lucky and got a good union job at DHL / Airborne Express in 1983 and have since retired from them . Good luck , it will all work out in the end .

I had worked for IBM for 16 years when I was laid off. It was a big surprise and I was not really ready.

The best time to look for a job is when you still have one. Having to get a job puts a lot of pressure on you.

Thanks guys. I’m still undetermined and what to do. My brother in law is going to get me an exact amount I could be making starting out there. Housing is pricey and may ultimately be the deciding factor. I should know more in a couple days.

It’s a tough call. We all have advice, but only YOU can make the decision.

Matt, I do have to agree with you gathering as much information as possible. One makes better decisions when they are well informed. Well, usually anyway, not always in my case. (

Thanks guys. Things are still up in the air. The only thing for certain is uncertainty.

Are you certain?

Matt Russell said:

Thanks guys. I’m still undetermined and what to do. My brother in law is going to get me an exact amount I could be making starting out there. Housing is pricey and may ultimately be the deciding factor. I should know more in a couple days.

Cost of living for the area moving into is a huge factor that many miss when offered a better paying job. My PHD professor sister couldn’t wait to tell me how much University of Michigan offered her to teach there. I responded with yes but what is the cost of living in Ann Arbor? She responded with do you know how much they are going to pay me? I said OK you are just book smart I get it! She said yes but do you know how much they offered me? I gave up and drank beer…book smart and common sense sometimes don’t go hand in hand.

Good luck with whatever you decide Cousin Matt.

Edit: cause I never did tell mom that her daughters toothbrush was the reason the bathroom sink looked so great and sparkled when it was my turn to clean it.

Yea, I turned down a few jobs right out of tech school, because the areas the jobs were in had a high cost of living. An entry level job, even a well paying one, would not have allowed me a good living in those areas.

So, I thought I’d post an update, just in case anybody was wondering.

Last weekend I went down and toured the office. After that we discussed things further, then sent in my resume. If I did get this job, I would stay with my parents down there…which seems strange. My brother in law thinks I could work four ten’s like some of the other computer operations guys. I could work sunday/monday/tues/wednesday, staying at my parents, then come back home. That would allow time to finish remodeling our house and we wouldn’t have to stress on finding a place down there, plus finding employment for my wife. It would be strange at my age to be staying with my parents like that, but it is, what it is. My wife shouldn’t have any troubles finding a job with her education. This is just based on IF I get the job. lol.

Here is another article from a local school system talking about the budget troubles. This was from Carmi, my hometown, just 20 minutes away.

“In the superintendent’s report, Brad Lee said that since the Illinois General Assembly has not passed a budget for FY 16 or FY 17, if no agreement is reached in the near future, a statement will be issued to parents, staff and community members that they would be able to start the school year, but would only be able to keep it open for approximately two to three months. This information would go out the first of July.”

I took that from the local news site:

good luck, hope everything works out as you want!

Wouldn’t it be nice to find a yard with about the same shape as your current one so all you have to do is build up roadbed and plop track back like before. Sounds simple , but I remember reading the build log, a LOT of work.

Sounds good, Matt. Sounding more real than, “My brother-in-law says…”

I look at the parent thing this way: I think it’s great you would even consider staying with them part-time for a while. I couldn’t wait to get out of the house and ran away for good four days after I turned fifteen, and nothing’s really changed much since. I see them and all, but would never consider living with them.

I was wondering how you were making out with this. Keep us posted.

In my 45 years of working I had 3 jobs. Each time I moved to another job I looked forward to the challenge and always made sure I could advance and increase my salary. (except for 3rd job) The work was all related to the career path I chose and I never looked back or regretted the change. I also had to move each time. The 3rd job I had I took a pay cut but you can not put money to the more time I had off and only now had to work 40hr weeks. (some over time) Over time I recoup the pay loss and spent the last 31 years at that job till I retired. My motto was he who hesitates looses. I can say I made out very well over the years and I’d do it again in a heart beat. Later RJD

Thanks Pete. lol. Yeah, it’s been a lot of work. I don’t know if I’ll put the next layout directly on the ground or build it up some. I guess the grade of the yard will determine that. I’ve been looking at a few places that have large flat yards. A couple places had 2 acres. Nothing serious right now though. I’m just trying to get an idea of what’s available. I HAVE to have a yard for trains. :smiley:

Thanks John. Yeah, it’s pretty serious and not just hear-say. My parents actually offered. I think my brother in law and them had been talking about this for a while. lol. I’ll keep you updated. I’m headed aback down in a week for a couple days. Then towards the end of next month we are headed down for a week. This could all be for not though. Who knows if they will even like me enough to hire me.

Thanks R.J., that’s good advice.