Large Scale Central

Help with Live Steam

Have a listen to THIS old Aster BR01 -

or this AccuCraft Royal Hudson

and THEN tell me there’s no stack talk from an alcohol-fired live-steamer…

tac, ig, ken the GFT & The Butane Boys

I think the secret to getting an Aster to talk is a decent load on the drawbar. But I bet those coaches add up to as much as the engine itself. Even with the chuff pipe, running light the chuff is very faint on my Lady Anne, just as a real engine would be. Tack on several LGB freight and passenger wagons and let the stack talk begin. That BR01 looks stunning BTW Tac!!!

Well, out here in the wilds of Nebraska I’ve never seen an alcohol fired engine run, just was going by videos I had seen. I now realize they can have stack talk. :slight_smile:

Yeah, the old girl can really pick up her skirts and fly, eh?

Many the good tune etc…

tac, ig, ken the GFT et al

Jerry, must be all that mountain air that makes 'em seem so quiet :wink:


Many times the owners lack sufficient rolling stock to really work some of those larger engines, espicaly the really big ones like the Berkshire, Big Boy ect. no load = little to no stack talk. You can only scale down dynamics so much, thats why we dont have true live diesels in G scale, cant scale down a proper compression ignition engine with fuel injectors that small. Real steamers bark with those large cylinders, much higher BP and real tonage on the drawbar. Probably doesnt help that it seems many 1:32nd guys run real fast, which doesnt allow the stack to talk much, and looks totaly unrealistic, unless its a passenger train

Well, here’s my AccuCraft Garratt with a load of around seventy pounds, hardly making more than a whuffly hiss as it goes around an uphill bend on main131’s sneaky tracks in Leicestershire…

Fifty-six cars and a brake van failed to make it chuff… :wink:


Ottawa Valley GRS