Mike Morgan said:
So which area are responsible for the cement overshoes ? I am intrigued by these connections .
Well, it is said that other branches of the hypothetical organization run construction businesses. Also garbage disposal.
My late father-in-law was a New York harbour pilot, and perforce acquainted with yet other “family” members who ran the docks. Charming people, he said, if you weren’t competing with them or otherwise getting in their way; a pilot coming ashore in the small hours would often be met by a limo that would take him back to the pilot office on Staten Island, no charge. “Good morning, cap’n (a proper title; all full pilots had masters tickets). Everything OK with you; no one giving you any trouble?” The implication about what might happen to “trouble” was clear to all involved.
He was a fascinating man. Irish, 5-foot-and-a-fraction, thin as a rail. In the days when he apprenticed “in the boats”, 80-odd years ago, it was still required that one go to sea under sail as part of the basic training, so he did his time before the mast on working tall ships.
Among other things, you also had to memorize every foot of the Hudson River from Sandy Hook, NJ, to Albany, NY, plus all the channels around NYC, and be prepared to draw an accurate chart on demand.
His moment of public glory came during a tugboat strike when he docked the QE by rudder and engines alone; nothing touched the dock until the mooring lines went down, quite an achievement in a tidal harbour with a powerful river current where the slips, at right angles to that current and the tidal flows, were barely wide enough to accommodate the big liners. Cunard commended him.
I admired him immensely.