Large Scale Central

Happy Thanksgiving.

I used to be able to get all of the Ham & Lima Beans I could eat!

We were up in the Highlands (10 miles from the only recorded snowfall in Vietnam) for Thanksgiving. We Officers always ate last. They ran out of turkey, so we had rabbit for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Seriously, hope everyone gets to be with family this Thanksgiving. To me, that is what it is all about.

Happy Thanksgiving

Remember them well ( “C”-and “K” rations. LoL ) Also, shaving out of our hard hat helmet that leaked…

Happy Thanksgiving to all from our house to yours.

Noel & Jane (

Noel Wilson said:

shaving out of our hard hat helmet that leaked…

Noel & Jane (

We boiled water and made coffee with ours. I had an electric razor…(

I’ve had my time away from family on the Holidays, however, I was never in harm’s way at those times. I’m very blessed and thankful for all I/we have and for the people that work to keep us safe, warm and comfortable, while many of them are in harms way or have their loved ones in harm’s way. Its really something to have such a great bunch of friends that share the same enjoyments as we do.


Don’t forget to eat too much. (

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

BBBUUURRRPPP!!! Oh that’s better.

What? Do I want leftovers…of course. Two pieces of pecan pie this time and extra whipped cream. Topaz helped me eat most of what was on the last slice.

Well, I’m draggin’ today after a small turkey meal and 5 helpings of different desserts; not including the pumpkin pie.