That uphill area, behind the mine, hasn’t been a concern of mine until now. And from the lack of real estate I have there on the layout, it shows. So I have to eliminate almost all the details of what was there (wood tram out to the tracks, piles of wood between, an ice house, etc.). But there was a key feature that I’d like to at least give lip service to, and that is the wood stacks.
On the right, I’ve modeled in a stack of beams, and piles of cordwood behind.

The cordwood was for the boilers, and each mine and mill had a mountain of it (red oval below). Beams were for all the square set timbering down in the mine (blue oval below). The beams were on the near side of the delivery track, the cordwood mountain on the far side. The “wood tram” must have crossed the track at grade, as it did with a neighboring mine just south.

Between mines, mills and homes on the Comstock, the eastern Sierra anywhere near Lake Tahoe was denuded of trees. This cordwood pile gives a hint of that, and there were mountains like this for each mine and steam-powered mill.
Anyway, like I said, I can only hint at this stuff, with the below representing my current design direction, which I have to content myself with.

If my layout track at the rear were more proto, it would have been at least 4’ away from the building, and about 7 inches higher. Those double doors on that shed-like appendage was actually at a higher floor level (say, 5" / 10’) than what I have modeled. But the track had to be right against the building; the rear track had to be much lower; and that highest level of the mine, like many other aspects of the real thing, got sacrificed to fit into the model.
So in addition to eliminating the wood tram ( ( I also have to introduce a sort of loading dock retaining wall which wasn’t there. This is because even after eliminating the highest mine level, the track is still too low. I could only get the track elevation this high; and even now, my loco’s spin their wheels climbing up here too quickly. All this was driving me crazy about 4 years ago, and now those chickens have come home to roost. So what you see in the above pic is totally bogus, historically speaking.
Having said all that I intend to have, and am having, fun with all this and not feel like I’m a slave to some historical ideal which doesn’t apply or exist. I’m just trying to represent something; and even if the representation is vague, that’s just fine.
BTW, re. that prior historical pic, with the girl and lamp post: the cordwood pile was, at that later time, either in a different location or completely depleted.