Large Scale Central

Good News! Firecrown bringing back Garden Railways magazine!

Good to see GR making a comeback. It’s going to be a tough sell, but it is possible for print to be successful, even in today’s connected world.

That’s where I’m at right now. I have 20 years of the EBT Timber Transfer, maybe 5 years of GR and a whole stack of 1950-60’s vintage Trains that I need to unload soon. Hopefully the local RR museum will take them. I really hate to dump them in the bin.

I know how you feel, I have a bunch of woodworking magazines that I want to get rid of tried eBay and they don’t sell on there, currently going through them for articles that I might want and recycle the rest. :frowning_face:

@JRad @Sawburner Do what I do. I keep a stack in my truck and “accidently” leave them in waiting areas - Doctor, Tire shop etc. I’ve no way of knowing but I’ll bet a few have taken the bait and have joined our cult. :laughing:


Been there, done that! I had Civil War magazine that I left in the plane’s magazine pocket (I peeled off my name, of course!). The plane was a UNITED “rotator” that wended its way through Southeast Asia. About 6 months later, the editor’s page had a picture of the thing in an airport in Cambodia!


That’s an amazing idea. I’d love to splash a bunch of railroad mags into the awful pile at my dentist’s office. Who knows, that might be the turnaround life moment for someone.

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…but can you imagine how much uncontrollable drooling that will cause, having both railroad magazines and novocaine in the same place?

Think of the patients that could be inspired as Dan stated!