Large Scale Central

Getting rid of weeds or most any growth

Fred Mills said:
Why bother diluting it at's so inexpensive and works well the way it is.
Chlorine bleach many times doesn't kill the unwanted plant/weed, it just burns the green growth down.

While that is often the goal, I really don’t want to continue to retreat the same weed over and over and I don’t think the chlorine provides any long term beneficial benefit to the soil. Agricultural strength vinegar (20% acetic acid vs. the 5% food variety) will do the same thing often killing the weed completely and it then turns into a nitrogen source for the rest of the garden as it breaks down in the soils. Not sure Chlorine bleach breaks down as fast or what it leaves in the soils.

It is, as you probably know, potentially dangerous if it comes in contact with your eyes or lungs. I also ruin more good shirts and work pants with bleach when I’m cleaning up before and after working calves and kid goats (turning bulls into steers and billies into wethers)!!


I’ve got a weed on my layout that thrives on Roundup. (Sprayed it twice.)
Now I’m waiting to see what it becomes when it grows up.
It has huge hairy leaves. I don’t know what it is.
I’ll take a pic later and maybe someone can ID it.

John, it sounds like a thistle. The roundup in the silver concentrate bottle works the best, keeps them from coming back for 4 months. Sure killed off my driveway weeds.

Here it is. Sprayed it twice when it was a young 'un. Now I’m getting attached to it. That’s a Boch big hauler next to it. Anyone know what this monster is?


Looks like a member of the cabbage family.

Steve Featherkile said:
Looks like a member of the cabbage family.
My wife agrees with Steve. Says it looks like a flowering cabbage plant of some sort. Ralph