With chores all done for the day I got out the digital camera and dumped the photos. Here is a relatively small sample of pictures I took on our Friday visit to Robertsdale, and Rockhill Furnace, PA.
We were camped just outside of Saxton, PA, about 15 minutes West of Robertsdale. On the way to Robertsdale we happened on to what I believe are relics of the Huntington and Broad Top, a standard gauge coal hauler that worked the West side of Broad Top Mountain. In Dudley, PA there are a few stations, a tank, and an 0-4-0 on display…
Then it was on to Robertsdale, the southern end of the EBT. Robertsdale Station sports a new roof, a recently reclaimed scale track and a short string of display hoppers…
Across the street is the original office of the Rockhill Iron and Coal Company. The second floor offices are still intact, but not open to visitors. The first floor is occupied by the US Post Office. The building also sports a matching new roof…
The EBT Foundation and volunteers from the FEBT have cleared over a mile of track toward the mines and and made it passable with hand cars and speeders. The foundation offered free speeder rides to FEBT members to the current end of cleared track in Wood…
The following shots were taken from the speeder…
They even built a temporary bridge to span a washed out culvert…
My final speeder ride shot is of the current end of passable track in Wood…
After the speeder ride I toured the recently completed FEBT Museum in the old Post Office building which also has a new matching roof…
Next to the old post office, land clearing revealed the gates to a playground/park the railroad built for the mine worker’s children…
We then ventured North to explore some previously un-seen (by me) sites and a few I know well. We couldn’t locate the extant tank at Coles as the brush has completely obscured the road bed. Just as well as all of these sites are now off-limits. We drove through Saltillo, but I didn’t take pictures as there is really nothing to see there; YET.
Our first photo stop was in Pogue at Rutter’s Cash Store AKA Pogue Station…
This is the goal destination for next fall…
Venturing just a little North, we found Pogue Bridge where lot of tree clearing was done a little over a year ago to assess the bridge and piers…
Yet a little further North is the current end of reclaimed track. Looking North from PA Route 475…
And looking South where land has been cleared and track moved aside in preparation for road bed grading…
And in the distance, the road bridge at Jordan Summit. Track is cleared to the South a little but beyond the bridge…
Continuing North, the Odd Fellows Cemetary Road is the next cross road which is now a legal grade crossing and signed as such…
Looking North from the crossing we can see the Rockhill yards and facilities…
Looking South is newly re-built track. Currently only every other tie is being installed to support the work train. Additional ties will be inserted and ballast placed before heavy trains can pass…
Hopefully this huge photo dump hasn’t bored you too much Thanks for looking.