Rooster, Aw c’mon man! You know that Lewis would not say anything negative about his stuff, even though he knew all of its…shortcomings.
David, your questions are a bit confusing.
Your first question is about my web site as referenced in my signature. How does my web site relate to this thread? Not at all. So, I’ll just chalk it up to trying to reinforce your next next question.
Your next question is you don’t understand how my signature relates the the train show that has already passed? Well, as stated earlier, it does not.
Also, the comments I referred to by Pat and Nico were before the show.
So, after reading and re-reading your post, I cannot make any sense of it whatsoever. If you really have a question, please try to present it again.
David Russell said:
Greg Elmassian said:
In these times where showa are getting fewer and going all scale from LS only, one would assume ANY train show would be welcomed.
Where’s your old Aristo spirit of never say anything negative about the hobby?
Jeeze two downer commenters… I’ll remember that when they lecture me about “bad for the hobby”…
Mr Elmassian
I don’t understand your comment? If you click on the website at the bottom of every post you make it seems to have a lot of negative Aristo comments as to what should have been done and how to fix it? However I do not understand how this particular post relates to a train show that has already passed ?