Large Scale Central

Fall Puttering '07 on the WV&K

Actually I had thought about Doing the whole roof over and walk under…but that will require a major expenditure in materials. It would be nice to have a Shop Annex for storing stuff thats not on the back porch…so mebbe at some point down the road.

The ‘Switch to nowhere’ is planned for a locomotive loading point in the future…I’ll install a plank where a loco tote can be set down to run locos on and off the layout without picking them up. Not a high priority since all my locos live on the layout currently, but or visitors…and eventual traveling. I also forsee installing a removable turntable like yours, if I ever progress to the point that I have turning facilities at the far end of the line…

The drawing’s not to scale…the longest track is almost 12 feet long so its prolly got a capacity of almost 8-9 cars…I’ll know more as I get more rolling stock built! I like the idea of just covering the inside two and leaving the third one as an active fiddle!

“I like the idea of just covering the inside two and leaving the third one as an active fiddle!”

There never seems to be enough inactive trackage to allow switching or sorting of rolling stock. But then again that is how switching puzzles are created and utilized.

Supposedly there is a railroad formula that is more than 1/3 of your trackage is occupied, then the railroad is plugged… Today was more of a rolling stock day, I outshopped another Bachmann conversion, ths one I left as a three bay and just widened it…

Also began a tank car…

Other than that…did a little track maintenance and repair…nuthin major…

Didn’t end up being all that energetic this weekend…Read ALOT…working on a numbering system for the fleet…Got the components all together on the tank car…

The bolsters I fabricated from styrene, would have been easier to do as a casting…but since I only plan on one or two tanks not worth the rubber…

Ok…Industrial trackage was the order of the day today…worked on the futre home of the Commissary and Team Track (to the left) and the brewery (to the right) The Cutoff will continue arolg the mian in the forground off the end of the module…

Ok refer to the picture above…I’ve replaced the subroadbed boards here now so they are more or less paralell. I also added soem 2x4 legs under the Team Track addition (the plywood topped section down yonder at the end)…

The Commissary will sit to the left of the switch in that wide space…the same spur will service the brewery that will sit in between the spurs…the Team track will bethe right hand switch off the main line…

I envision cutting holes in the plywood deck and installing bonsai type trees to look like natural growth…perhaps will do the same with the industrial structure’s bases when the time comes to give a little living interest…too bad its so bloody sunny out thare…would love to encourage moss to grow on a light layer of soil…perhaps some sort of sedum…