Large Scale Central

Eric's Mik project....

Awesome work Eric!!

Love the details…teach me master, grasshopper would like to learn (


You’re employee on the left has a striking resemblance to a “wanted” picture I saw in the post office today? Probably just a coincidence though.

Wow. That section house looks awesome. I love the details. They make the building come alive.

David Russell said:


You’re employee on the left has a striking resemblance to a “wanted” picture I saw in the post office today? Probably just a coincidence though.

Ba ha ha ha ha ,

I was wondering why I Just saw the militia heading east!

Shady lookin character…(

Great job with another pile of sticks! Love the inside details and the characters - especially that shady lookin’ one!

I hesitate to put my section house outside on an on-going basis. I have also been asked to help create some modules for display at the Narrow Gauge Convention in September. So I decided to solve two issues with one building…

the basic module is just a curved section of two tracks…8 modules to make half a circle. ( I made the modules so they could be separated to make a complete single track loop) The detail module clips to the inside. it has a plywood base with sculpted Styrofoam landscaping. I added a road and foundation for my section house. Steve Lennox has a very nice saw sharpening shed for his mating module.

the track is simple hand spiked aluminum code 250 or what ever on pine ties glued to a plywood base and sand sprinkled around for show. the crossing adds some sculpted styrofoam with sand and ground foam “grass” weathered wooden planks cover the ties. it looks OK.

The section house sits on stone piers at each corner. a wooden ramp provides access for the hand car. a pile of lightly weathered “new” ties stands ready next to the house.

an “old” tie rots away next to the track. I made tall grass from natural fiber rope combed out snipped off and glued in place.

the goats behind the fence enjoy the section crew’s company and occasional treats.

Love the #2 screw bit wheel chock!

Fantastic work Eric as always.(

Yep that coach needs some work…and it is in the middle of the road. you use what ever you can find to keep yourself from rolling onto the railway!

Ron Tremblay said:

Fantastic work Eric as always.(

i second that.