I will drag and brag about them at the D&B so you can see both of them. Just don’t let them know about each other. One is into 1/29 and the other is in to cute.
I will drag and brag about them at the D&B so you can see both of them. Just don’t let them know about each other. One is into 1/29 and the other is in to cute.
Larry can bring as many wives as he wants, so long as he’s not wearing the ““Speedo””…(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Oh no, not the Speedo !!!
Hey Pat. Were you in Springfield in January?
You know I haven’t even been thinking of the SPEEDO so thnx for reminding me. Maybe it’s time to pull it off the stuffed bear it’s on and don it for the D&B. I’m sure you guys need to have something you’ll never forget burnt into your memories or your eyes at the show.
Larry, warn us before hand, I don’t need to be spewing my dinner all over the room.
I’m more concerned about other issues! Like dad playing with his junk and touching mine in the progress!
EDIT : Ken is turning his head while it’s happening!
Andy Clarke said:
Larry can bring as many wives as he wants, so long as he’s not wearing the ““Speedo””…(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Larry is married?
Dang …I would like to trade Larry’s wife an LGB Chinese made Amtrak tube for what I can tell her about Larry!
Edit: I need a Beech Grove 10001 .
I was in Springfield on the Saturday of the show.
See you in York.
Larry Otis said:
You know I haven’t even been thinking of the SPEEDO so thnx for reminding me. Maybe it’s time to pull it off the stuffed bear it’s on and don it for the D&B. I’m sure you guys need to have something you’ll never forget burnt into your memories or your eyes at the show.
Some things, once seen, cannot be unseen, even with eye bleach. Please don’t do this, Larry.
Oh, wait, I won’t be there. Knock yourself out. (http://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Steve Featherkile said:
Larry Otis said:
You know I haven’t even been thinking of the SPEEDO so thnx for reminding me. Maybe it’s time to pull it off the stuffed bear it’s on and don it for the D&B. I’m sure you guys need to have something you’ll never forget burnt into your memories or your eyes at the show.
Some things, once seen, cannot be unseen, even with eye bleach. Please don’t do this, Larry.
Oh, wait, I won’t be there. Knock yourself out. (http://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Careful, Steve. If I recall correctly, last year Larry did kinda knock himself out and almost didn’t make it to York.
I remember the year when Fred and Ken went at it ! Fred did throw the first punch and missed. Ken got the best of him that day at the show. Fred did pay him back the day after at Kens house by busting up his toilet before he headed back up North! There were only 3 witnesses that day Gord ,myself and the guy on the left with the glasses? The guy in the background wasn’t looking and could have possibly been napping.
Steve Featherkile said:
Some things, once seen, cannot be unseen, even with eye bleach.
So, is this the kind of thing that happens in the alcove? Haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing it yet, but I do want to be prepared…
Steve McKenzie said:
I was hoping to get down this year for my first visit but the Canadian Dollar just isn’t cooperating right now. Wonder how many Canadians have changed their minds about going this year?
This is the first time Stu, Doug and I will not be going. There isn’t anything we need to buy. Although we said that a couple of years ago and came home with $2200 worth of stuff. But Doug and I have actually been selling our seldom used motive power.
We thought about making it a road trip for social reasons, but the 40% currency exchange rate discouraged that. We will wait for the New England Railway Operations in the Fall instead.
Cliff Jennings said:
So, is this the kind of thing that happens in the alcove? Haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing it yet, but I do want to be prepared…
Not really. It’s just a nice spot to gather after making the rounds and since most people know about it, usually show up there to renew old acquaintances and meet new ones. As an added bonus, the lunch room and bathrooms are right next door…(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)
The bathrooms are next door, that’s important.
Paul Norton said:
Steve McKenzie said:
I was hoping to get down this year for my first visit but the Canadian Dollar just isn’t cooperating right now. Wonder how many Canadians have changed their minds about going this year?
This is the first time Stu, Doug and I will not be going. There isn’t anything we need to buy. Although we said that a couple of years ago and came home with $2200 worth of stuff. But Doug and I have actually been selling our seldom used motive power.
We thought about making it a road trip for social reasons, but the 40% currency exchange rate discouraged that. We will wait for the New England Railway Operations in the Fall instead.
You’ll be missed, my friends. That’s all I go for, the social reason, if I find a good deal, so much the better…(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)
Cliff Jennings said:
So, is this the kind of thing that happens in the alcove? Haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing it yet, but I do want to be prepared…
They wait in the corner and pounce on unsuspecting visitors with greetings of happiness and joy! They have a positive attitude and expect G scale to grow and prosper. Why would anyone want that?