Devon Sinsley said:
David Maynard said:
Um, well, not to pick nits…
Ok, exactly to pick nits.
Recommended Build Challenge forum Title “Daves 2018 challenge log”. Something along those lines so every one will know, and be able to follow along.
So Devon, you already brokes the rules.
Breaked the rules?
Broked the rules.
Ah, the heck with it!
So how exactly did I break the rules. RECOMMENDED as in not required
It has my name and says that my hat is in the ring meaning this is my participation and also describes what I am building. If you can’t figure out that this is my build log well then I can’t help you.
Devon, you aren’t the only one who said that they can’t help me. I have had “professionals” tell me that. I guess I am special kind of crazy.