Large Scale Central

Curved Crossover Build

Yeah, I’ve added some brass fill strips to the outside webs so I can file the frogs a bit sharper.

All falls apart if I don’t have those.


Progress, now things have warmed up. 2 coats of oil stain went on top of the anti rot stuff once it was fully dry.

I forgot to solder throw tabs on the point rail as I was making the hinges on the first one. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: The whole thing was almost fully spiked and the frog running smoothly before I realised… No way was I gonna pull it apart.

I ended up making a cement board jig, and some brass heat shields to do it in place. There’s a groove filed in the cement board so the tab can be positioned quite accurately before hitting it with flame.

It actually worked out better than marking out and soldering each one separately as I could centre the tabs nicely by eye.

Spiking continues…



Good Lord Neil !

The cat food is empty and your are more worried about the curved crossover than the cat!

" insert rooster pipe here"

Looks great !! Nice fix to make it work staying together

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And there I was hoping you’d notice both cars were missing… :upside_down_face:

Edit to say Kitty is more of a tiger, weighs in at 14 lb and is listed as ‘take precautions’ at the vet. Cat nuts are a bonus to his normal diet of local wildlife pests.

It was double facepalm WhatTheHeckDoIDoNow moment Pete. I’ve trashed a base trying to do an in place fix before this. Just glad it worked…


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How about a video of that?



Although Ruby at over 17.5 pounds would also be considered a tiger, her sweet-natured Maine Coon disposition mitigates that.

Best, David Meashey

I’m trying to control myself but I cannot help it…That is a lot of pussy Dave M !

Now back to that amazing build of Neils!

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Well, it’s all done bar the shouting. Marathon spiking day on Sunday – wrapped up #1, set out and spiked #2 took about 6 hours all up.

Test fit #1 in place

#2 set out on the bench

Test fit with both in place.

I trimmed the rails after work today and put some track roughly at each end - this is about how it’s gonna look.

This was supposed to be a winter project, I managed to finish 2 weeks (ish) into spring so pretty stoked with that.

Thanks for following, back to the regularly scheduled build log:grin:



Looking great Neil. But just a heads up when I first opened the post the last two pics were blurry until I opened them with a right click to open in new tab. Now they show clear in the post for me. This is connected to another discussion here. :sunglasses:

Need to make some for me since you ran out of projects, shopping will be spendy!

Fantastic, Neil. Such excellent flowing geometry, both in the track and roadbed. You’re an inspiration.

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Looks nice and smooth. Any particular reason you put the headblocks ( switch stand ties) on the inside of the curves instead of the outside? Seems like it might be an issue later with wide rolling stock?

Thanks Dave - I saw that thread, but so far it hasn’t affected me. Hope the pics stay up.

Nope, no projects at all Pete. :grin: How many do ya want?? Maybe we can make a folding version that fits in a USPS flat rate box? :thinking:


Hmmm, you got me there. No planning or thought went into that at all. Pure luck they even ended up on the same side now I think of it…

Good point on the wider stock. Hopefully no problems ahead, I’m using barrel bolts for throws (low) and the tracks are 8" on centre. Fingers crossed that combo is enough.


Thanks Cliff, coming from you - well - thanks. :blush:

I like the flow too, should make for some nice snaking trains.

I’m thinking of realigning that section downhill of the crossover (the viaduct bit). The more I look at it the more I want more room behind for tall scenery so it has to come forward about a foot. I’m scared it will look wonky so have been holding back. Watch that space tho!.


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Neil’s outdoor Model RR outlook reminds me of this minus the amazing curved crossover build he is doing so far … Oh and the old man rail foamer pic as well.

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Might be able to work up something like that. :thinking: Love that inside check rail.


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