I can understand how you feel, although my problem is much less complicated…!
I read all the threads on control systems, but never see any one of them, addressing my rather simplistic, and basic needs; although, each and every one of them is trying to attract the ever-growing public desire to control, every nut, bolt, light, sneeze, movement, or assorted noise; did I forget smoke, steam, or sweat… that are imagined to come out of some machine, or even rock, that might find its way into someone’s hand or mouth, within the next twenty years…
I readily see why quite a few people dig their heels in, and refuse to leave, the old fashioned plain DC, or AC systems, now generally called “Analog” by the hi-tech wizards.
I’m just a few leasure steps past that, but not very far.
Simply; I just want to control the electric motor in my very basic Bachmann ten wheeler, so that I can vary the speed; stop and start it, with the head light on or off, depending on me throwing a simple switch in the cab. All I want is to be able to do this dependably, with a simple battery powered R/C system
The original Aristo 27Mh system was fine, but with a switch to the latest R/C frequencies, it would be better.
I don’t want all the other crap, of noise, lights, bells and whistles…NO, I do not want any power, or signal in the track, leading to dependence on clean track, or maintaining circuits…no, I don’t need or want to have locomotives running constantly for 8+ hours a day…
Greg…you represent the people who enjoy “The bells and whistles”…and know how to make them work; getting upset with those that don’t seem to care, or can’t understand you, or don’t want to…drives you up a rope…they do the same for me…!!
MEANWHILE…I’m just wanting a VERY simple, DEPENDABLE/repairable/SUPORTED , R/C Battery system, with none of the other stuff. And…I much prefer push-buttons, over knobs…but push-buttons that don’t fail after 4 years or less of service…
I don’t have any arguments, with what others, or the market wants or supplies, but I sure would like my needs and desires provided for too…is that too much to ask ?
Loosing another supplier, good or bad, is not healthy for or neich market…
Fred Mills