Large Scale Central

Condensed LGB Digest for May 7th - 13th

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
Welllll, “Free thought” is a very dangerous concept! :wink: :slight_smile: That’s where non-conformity usually starts! :smiley: Next thing there is an inquisition or cord wood is neatly stacked to burn some witches. And the high priests of whatever “religion” have to mobilize their zealots to quell the cerebral insurrection. :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley:

…and then, if the recalcitrant has not “reformed” their character, that character is further assassinated by calling them Communists. Ooooooops. Of course, that cannot be anymore. I know. Now they are called Greenies instead. You know, those nut cases whose policies Arnold Schwarzenegger is now putting into practice.

While I will agree that a lot of the “Greenies” are nutcases, any more, if you stand up for anything you are considered either a nutcase, terrorist, fanatic or all of the above…:confused: The trend is just; “Shut up and sit down”. Go with the flow. Don’t make waves and all will be ok. Some day the world will wake up in the morning and wonder what happened, and discover that they have been bamboozled by the politically powerful and it’s too late. The winner will be greed.