Large Scale Central

Concrete Bridge Build.


That turned out great! Nice work.

Very nice stonework indeed!

Thanks guys.
Good eye Rick, I went back and forth over what date to carve into the bridge and since my RR is more or less a modern day line with a geared steam tourist RR on the side I decided on 2014.

So when do we get to see it when it’s complete?

Installed with ballast etc.!

Looks good so far Todd!

Todd that looks great. From the picture I would have thought it was all concrete.

It looks great !

You might want to seal the hardibacker deck with some heavy coats of paint though and also have a slight angle to the bridge for water runoff.

Wow, Todd. Nice work!!!


Thanks again guys. Maybe this weekend I can get it installed.
Rooster I did paint the hardibacker. My RR experience with this product has been varied and painting it does give it a longer life.

Stay tuned.

Tick Tock

Tick Tock Tick tock. The bridge is now 95% installed. A few trains were passed over it today and it didn’t collapse so that is good. What I want to do is get some rounded pebbles and spread them underneath to give the illusion that it might actually be a now dry river.

Sorry No photos yet.

That is nice, Todd. You have an admirer in Toronto.

When will we see the finished product in place with the peastone dry river bed

Well with the bad weather and business getting in the way of train time here is the much anticipated final photo of the foam bridge in place.


Todd looks great!
Layout is really coming along.

Looks Great TODD, Keep up the GREAT WORK

Thanks guys. The layout is coming along and getting better all the time though this Winter has been tough on it so there is maintenance to be done before regular train service is resumed.