Large Scale Central

Christmas Train Thread - 2023 Edition

The m&m’s…( Mary & Manger?) only makes sense if you include three weis-men and little baby cheeses…

Christmas 2023

Late to the party again! Just took these today. Went for a Hershey Theme this year.

The gondola car was the biggest challenge this year. I am in Weight Watchers and have lost about 46 pounds so far, SOoooo - loading the gondola with Hershey’s kisses or miniatures like I used to other years was a big NO-NO. (I’d usually end up eating most of them!) Then I remembered all the Hershey themed Christmas tree ornaments my mother had given me. Problem solved!

Best, David Meashey

Technically, no. The last day of Christmas is 5 January, so you are liturgically correct!


A small, late follow-up to the Christmas thread, as we headed straight for Florida and only just got back.

My son found this for me for Xmas.

It is one of those clever pop-up cards - here’s whatc it looks like from above.

And finally, if you remember the Elves on my B&O loco, they are in the shop for a fix. Someone dropped one.