Large Scale Central

Canadian Invasion Special OPs

Heheheheh might have an operational railroad by then!

Andy Clarke said:
Da devil made me type that..............
Yeah.... ;)

10 days away from the “Canadian Invasion OPs Session”. I’ve been contacted by many people wondering if they could join us and why is this session on a Wednesday. It is on a Wednesday because we are all headed to Marty Cozad’s on Thursday for “Marty and Carrie’s Fall Gathering”. On the question can anyone join us for the OP Session on the KVRwy, absolutely! Photos to follow.

It is upon us. Bruce and Jean have had to drop out, but the other guys should be arriving tonight and meet for breakfast in the morning. I would say Haystacks all around, but some of these Canadians aren’t up to a big breakfast to start the day. Weather seems questionable, but we make the best of the best and that is what we have. There may be a chance to see the waterways in action on Andy’s Bluestone Southern. Pictures will be posted in the white water rafting chapter of “Fun Things To Do With A Soybean Field”. Here on the Kaskaskia Valley Railway, we may work on the Indoor OPs Session Only, that I’ve always wanted to develop.

Weather moves east and we are heading west on Thursday, so we will be headed away from this front, but it is the Fall and another front is out on the mountains headed this way. :wink:

It all works, because we do it for fun.

Hey , I got to meet up with them and Andy , at RLD Hobbies , what a great threesome , now I want to go to Canada to operate trains up there with them . An enjoyable 2 hours , and then they were off .

What is stopping you…!!!

Well , just one of the reasons , there seems to be a story about the recent border crossing they just went thru , and you will have to get the details from them , there just may have been a problem for one of them ?

…must be the guy from Quebec…!!!

No problem, really. Gaetan forgot his passport and they realized it Sunday night. So the trip started with a tour of Montreal before heading for Carlyle. We had a great time and a great Ops Session. Sorry, no time to post pictures now as we are off to Marty’s . I’ll post next week.

Except for a flight to Florida I’ve never been farther east than New Mexico! Since we don’t have basements I probably couldn’t even find the stairs!

I promised some pictures from the Canadian Invasion before we went to Marty’s and I have finally got them loaded. So after exploring Andy and Jane Clarke’s “Bluestone Southern” on Tuesday along with a trip to RLD Hobby and some rail fanning on the Evansville Western, we gathered together on Wednesday for a little ops session. The Dispatcher (Jane) created some manifests on RailOps and trains were assembled. The Yardmasters started assembling cars at the different locations. I normally work the “Southern Division” in the basement or as some call it “the spaghetti bowl”. Here I am gathering rolling stock at “John Allen”. Yes, this is the part of the KVRwy that is the traveling “Timesaver Switching Puzzle”.


And then trains started climbing out of the “Southern Division”


Of course, those new to the railroad might need some additional help. Here the Dispatcher, Jane, talks to Gaetan Charette from Montreal about the work at “Southern Junction”.


And our friendly Yardmaster at “Consolidated” was there to offer advice. That is Andy Clarke, aka Rubber Duck, aka Consolidated Yardmaster or as a young desk clerk addressed him in Nebraska City, while we were at Marty’s - “oh you ornery little man”.


Geoff George was part of the American contingent and is here working the “Cat Dump” branch.


The “Canadians” were on their own as they worked the bottle neck at “Beagle Junction”. Ralph Dipple and Gaetan are dealing with the switching at “KV Shops”


A train heads from “Beagle Junction” west toward “Sweetwater”.


Doug Matheson is seen prepping to do his work at “Sweetwater”.


All total, we ran 14 trains, switched 88 cars and moved 2,294 tons of merchandice, plus passenger service.

Looks like a good time and appears the weather heldout for you.


The weather was good. Overcast on Tuesday with a little spitting of rain. Wednesday was overcast, no rain and Thursday it rained while driving to Marty’s, but stopped while we visited Bill Canelos. Marty’s was beautiful all weekend and we had some wind late Sunday. By then we were all tired and sitting around. Winds out of the west blew us home on Monday with me getting great mileage on the van. Felt like we were downwind surfing and hoping not to jibe. I kept asking Andy and the ladies to open the doors for more downwind sail area, but couldn’t talk them into it.

Was that honorary or 'onery when applied to Andy?

'onery, bart… :slight_smile:

Correction made. :wink: