Large Scale Central

Building the CR&N Deadline:July 2017

Devon my Boy!

Get some track down on the bench work in the background!

Then when you need a mental brake switch some cars on your operating RR ! Ha (

We do not want you to get to page 50 before we see trains running Buddy! LOL

Did you ask Ken if he’s done with Shawn’s pink hat (Shut up Rooster) (

I have already run trains. I drove the Geep back and forth in the yard several times. Actually the thing with the bench work is I can lay the track on that without issue. That won’t be in the way, and after building up a little bit of rock where I am at already and move just a bit more dirt I will be ready to put in the wye. Progressively that is the next step. So I could appease you and have the yard and wye tied in say by the end of the month. With the yard and the wye in place I could have a rather nifty switching layout.


Nice progress. Have you test fit your turnouts and curved track to your bench work?

Dan DeVoto said:


Nice progress. Have you test fit your turnouts and curved track to your bench work?

Not the bench work. I have test fit the turnouts tot he ladder though. I built the ladder with the turnouts in hand. The track is flex so I can make it fit. I do have a section that is already bent to 8’ and it will work on the ladder with the turn outs just fine. Like I said I built the ladder to fit the turnouts.

Now the bench work won’t be an issue. It will be a generic 30" wide or more. There is plenty of room to move stuff around. That pinched down section will hold the 5 way switch and that has been test fit and only a straight section coming out.

Thanks Devon, I meant ladder, that’s the critical part.

Wow, nice progress.

Uh huh. Still don’t see no track.(

What are you talking about. . . No track. Almost 1/4 of the track I purchased is already installed. If you don’t see track you better have your eyes checked.

Devon, he wants to see track on that ladder of yours. Me, I am just happy to see railroad progress. Now quit sidetracking yourself with spin casters and Beyer-Garrettes, and keep up the railroad construction. We are rooting for you to finish in the 10 months that you have left to actually complete phase one of the thing.

Well he wasn’t specific now was he. Track on the ladder of the reverse loop could be soon. I am done for the most part moving dirt to this part and shouldn’t have to worry about stepping on any of it.

I got the last two PVC posts put in to support the ladder and built the retaining wall for the reverse loop section and moved in a bunch more dirt.

And here is the area under the bench. The section of ladder that is outside of the rock will be a trestle someday.

This pretty well completes this section. I will need to bring in some crushed basalt to surround the ladder and then back fill to the top of it with dirt. I might do this tomorrow. I will at the same time fill in the steps with the same crushed basalt only I will sift out the fines and use it later for ballast. All of the walk ways will eventually be the crushed basalt with the fines taken out of it and used for the ballast. Killing two birds with one stone.

After that process or in between, I will need to bring in another truck load of dirt and another truck load of rock to continue on with the raised bed. The back sides of the raised beds on the fence side will be made with 2X8 pressure treated wood. I also ab about ready to add the next section of bench which will include where the wye is going.

Looking real good there Devon, you’ve got a lot of progress done. But a word of warning, you better keep those rocks away from your wife’s newly painted house or you’ll be in deep poo poo. LOL

BTW, who’s your 4 legged helper? I hope he/she doesn’t like redwood, you know what happens there.

Chuck Inlow said:

Looking real good there Devon, you’ve got a lot of progress done. But a word of warning, you better keep those rocks away from your wife’s newly painted house or you’ll be in deep poo poo. LOL

BTW, who’s your 4 legged helper? I hope he/she doesn’t like redwood, you know what happens there.

Thanks Chuck,

Yes keeping the rocks off the house will make mother happy. She is the driving force for the bench work. She wasn’t too keen on me making the house into a retaining wall (

The four legged help is Oakley. And he does like to chew on stuff but what is funny about him is he knows what he can and can’t chew on. It comes naturally. He like shoes but never chews them up but he will carry them all outside. He also loves sticks and will shred them to saw dust but has never grabbed a piece of wood that wasn’t a scrap. I don’t know how he knows but he knows. But while building the wall he kept stealing my rocks and taking them out on the lawn.

well with a little work and reward practice you can train Oakley to go out and bring back rocks, and maybe steal borrow a 2x4 or 10 from the neighbors places to assist in the building. The dog I had for along time was trained to get the paper, and she did it well, every morning I would open the door and say Paper, she would run out, pounce on the paper and bring it back, and if she happened to notice the neighbors paper she would pounce and bring it too. on walks same thing, any newpaper was their to ponce on and bring back, morning walks were difficult. Miss her. Nice work Devon, I can see what Sean is saying though , bend some track and test what you have laid out,

Dogs are smart, but they play dumb. My last dog chewed sticks and wood, and any errant pencils, but nothing of any importance. My current dog will chew pens and plastic, but he leaves my stuff alone. He just knows better. But my mom’s plastic-ware is in grave danger at all times.

Looks great so far Devon. I like the rock work. If you need that hat Ken has it. Im sure he wont mind giving it up.

Shawn Viggiano said:

Looks great so far Devon. I like the rock work. If you need that hat Ken has it. Im sure he wont mind giving it up.

It’s a bit raggedy lookin, but it’ll work…(

So when is the first local going to rumble through?

David Maynard said:

So when is the first local going to rumble through?

As soon as he gets some track laid. (

There might be a run between mission (the yard) and Wardner Jct (the wye) before the snow flies ( I doubt track will be laid to Wallace (about mid way in the run) from Wardner this year. But since track is being laid from both directions we might have a Burke (inside of the reverse loop) to Wallace on the loop.

I am no longer concerned with getting the track completely laid this year. Since I have decided to work from one end to the other on both the lower section and the upper section at the same time I just don’t see it happening all this year.

One thing about how I am doing it is getting to be looking very nice. I will take a picture tomorrow of where I get. It doesn’t look much different but I filled the stairs with gravel and got most of the reverse loop bedded with gravel. I also put in about half of the walkway on the raised bed. But i is starting to take shape. I admit thought today I was a little pooped and was sluggish.

Steve Featherkile said:

David Maynard said:

So when is the first local going to rumble through?

As soon as he gets some track laid. (

Steve, well yea, and that will be after he bends the track, and that will be after he gets the roadbed set, and that will be…

So, sometime next spring?