Large Scale Central

Big Train Show - Ontario Calif - May 31/June 1

If there is anyone (or en mass) who would like to come over and see the Tortoise & Lizard Bash Railway that weekend, we are located about 45 minutes southwest of the convention center. The railroad was the winner of the Garden Railways Magazine 2013 contest for railroads that primarily run diesel power.

The railroad is pretty much set up for our June club meeting and if there is interest, we could have some trains running.

Just e-mail/PM me for an address and time if interested.

Our web site.

Todd and Linda’s garden railroad is very inventive and well worth seeing.
Having seen it many times, each time is different because of their creativity. Their offer to host your visit is typical of their generosity.

Back to the question: Where to meet at 11:00 AM, Saturday

My suggestion: IF the Pizza RR is set-up then check there. IF not, go to the "Z"scale model RR where we will find Greg and hopefully others.

Your thoughts?


you all get hung up at the z scale mod layout, whilst i scoop up a couple deals.

Vic’s Place is always an easy one. Just don’t scoop up all the good stuff before I get there!

Actually my mission this year is to purchase a boatload of LGB 18050 and 18150’s from one of the vendors I like the least.

That works. If we don’t have the pizza to gobble up we’ll go see Greg. I want to see both of them anyway. John, sine we are meeting at 11 you have an hour to shop before we get together. That’s what I hope to do!

Okay, slight change of plans. According to the updated layout plan I’m IN, but I’m not next to the Door Hollow anymore, instead I’m next to the Del Oro layout to the extreme far left of the entry over by the clinic area. Its kinda a lousy meeting place now, like being on the Siberia end of the exhibit. Thats OK, beats sitting at home.

Yeah, you are across the hall, we are in the middle, on the opposite wall.


Big Train Show
Meeting location
At Vic’s Pizza RR near the Del Oro mammoth display.
11:00 AM
Saturday, May 31

Greg, Vic, Doug, John, Wendell, Stan, Bob, Todd (?) and ?

I plan to be there on Saturday as well, I have to travel to St. Paul on Sunday so it is my only chance to go.

Sounds like a plan!

The Door Hollow Shortline is near the middle of the layouts, right next to the Z group. We hope that everyone will stop by and say hello. We’ll all be wearing our name tags and if you identify yourselves we’ll know who you are and welcome you aboard. I personally spend 'way too much time on the computer and don’t come to this site often. I’ll visit here more often if I can.

We’ll be setting up the hard part of the layout beginning Thursday morning and come back to finish the detail stuff Friday. Some of us will be staying at the Radisson Friday and Saturday nights. They have a bar.

Doug, what else are we looking for?

We’ll go bug vic at the pizza layout and we’ll be near two more member-involved layouts, at the very least.

I am loading up tonight and hoping to set up Friday after 12, probably bringing trains Sat morning.

Since Saturday is when all the serious modelers tend to show up, it’s going to be for my most frightening kitbashes that day, see if we can’t bend some minds that day.

I’m also planning on bring my HOn30 pizza for Saturday

I’ll be there after noon on Friday as well, setting up… If I get a break will mosey by…


Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Remember to get LOTS of pictures for those of us who won’t be there.

All set up looks like its going to be a good show. Bringing some fun stuff tomorrow.

If you stop by please introduce yourself, so I can put a name to the face. See ya tomorrow.


Come on Vic you know the rules, “No pictures then it aint happening”. Pictures buddy pictures!!!