Todd Brody said:
I decided to video the birdies today and took my Gear-Pro with an Li-Po cell off charge (charges off USB from computer) that I started yesterday. When I unplugged it, the front cover popped open. I found I couldn’t get it to close so opened it up and lo and behold, the battery was all puffed out of shape.
Certainly I didn’t use the wrong charger. And while the camera powers up, I’m a bit leary about using this (my only) pack now. (
Todd, In your case, the “puffing” is likely the result of poor quality control when the chemicals were combined and or the use of inferior materials in effort to save some coin… Biggest culprit/compromise is the humidity level when said chemicals are combined. Unfortunately all batteries have some H20 in the mix, water is a contaminant. In a nut shell, any substance containing oxygen freed by electrolysis or heat will become a contaminant, so substances that are not the intended anode, cathode, or separator are contaminants that will reduce the performance of the cell and cause swelling. All batteries can suffer from the aforementioned considerations.
Lithium-Ion and Lithium Poly cells react harmoniously to contaminants, biggest consideration is the packaging, Li-Po’s Mylar soft shell envelopes expand and its noted, hard metal shell enclosures of Li-Ion can withstand far greater pressure before distorting (accordingly they have PTC pressure reliefs). Thing is you don’t even recognize there maybe an issue with Li-Ion’s until they vent.
Also not knowing the history of your camera, age, battery cycles and life within elevated temperatures (cars are ovens, direct sunlight), all contribute to premature life of lithium batteries. I’m not familiar with your camera but if its one of those all inclusive $25.00 or so offerings, the answer maybe more obvious than not.