Large Scale Central

And the Winners Are....

Pretty cool. Yes, each model was impressive.

Hmm, I wonder if I’d want to see the entries for “Best use of creative prose while getting one’s self unstuck from glue” (

Congrats to the winners. It was tough to vote. Everyone did a great job.

“you like me you really like me” … or at least my Irish barn build.

I was slow to get started due to the trip to Ireland but it all came together nicely in the end.

Congratulations to everyone that entered the contest. All the entries go to show that there is terrific talent on this forum.

I know my modelling skills have been stretched by entering this challenge and I have certainly learned new techniques from the other entrants and marveled at their creations.

Above all is the good fun and friendly spirit of all who take up the challenge.

Wow second place! Thanks so much guys.

This Spring when we all get a chance to place our builds on our RR’s we should take a photo of it and post it back here.

Wow! Big time congrats to the Winners and in fact all of those who entered the competition. I really appreciate all the attention to detail.

I do not have a g scale layout because: 1. I am too old to start now; 2. My layout would be way too big, as I have room indoors and out, and finally 3. I would not have the patience to work on a whole layout. [I have enough patience to do a fairly accurate model of depots and other narrow gauge facilities, taking three to four months to complete. I do love to do stick built projects. Again thanks to all of you for welcoming me!.

“New Old Man from NM” Larry Brewer

Well Larry layout or no layout your modeling skills are welcome anytime if I have anything to say about it.

who cares?

if you got no layout, you are as far into largescale, as many others here are. (i woun’t mention names here, yes, Devon? ) (

we have got enough armchair modellers amongst us. i myself had a “planning phase” of about 6 or 7 years, before i started this, my fourth, layout.

and even now, in the “hot” building phase, after about ten years, my layout is only done about 50%.

what i have seen from you this far, was railroad themed.

you go on building, give us pics for our greedy eyes, and hopefully, share some of your tecnics now and then!

Korm Kormsen said:

if you got no layout, you are as far into largescale, as many others here are. (i woun’t mention names here, yes, Devon? ) (


I resemble that remark. I am in in the planning/building/dreaming/stockpiling/convincing the wife/procrastinating stage.

Larry, Larry, Larry… You Know that you do have a loop of track. Tectonically that makes you eligible to join the RRR Club.

Dave Taylor said:

Larry, Larry, Larry… You Know that you do have a loop of track. Tectonically that makes you eligible to join the RRR Club.

Dave you know the 3R rules are so rubber that if you have eaten a donut in the last 6 months you’re in. We don’t exclude anybody for any reason…that would be pointless. BWAHAHHAHAA


Larry (and anybody else that likes to watch trains go in circles) send me a message here on LSC and I will get you a membership number.

You can see the whole group of roundy rounders here:

Boomer K. Founder I.A.R.R.R. said:

Dave Taylor said:

Larry, Larry, Larry… You Know that you do have a loop of track. Tectonically that makes you eligible to join the RRR Club.

Dave you know the 3R rules are so rubber that if you have eaten a donut in the last 6 months you’re in. We don’t exclude anybody for any reason…that would be pointless. BWAHAHHAHAA


Larry (and anybody else that likes to watch trains go in circles) send me a message here on LSC and I will get you a membership number.

You can see the whole group of roundy rounders here:

This is nothing but a circular conversation. Their rules are very rubber. I don’t even have any track laid and I am a member. Of course at that time I was planning to have a loop, don’t let the powers that be hear that the plans changed to reversing loops.

Edited to fix my horrible spelling and grammar before Joe does(

What? You mean I don’t have to have a spaghetti bowl of track and dozens of criss-cross switches complicated enough to give John Allen a headache to join?

Where’s the fun in that?!?

Devon Sinsley said:

Korm Kormsen said:

if you got no layout, you are as far into largescale, as many others here are. (i woun’t mention names here, yes, Devon? ) (


I resemble that remark. I am in in the planning/building/dreaming/stockpiling/convincing the wife/procrastinating stage.

Devon, I go into that stage from time to time, sans the wife part.

Devon Sinsley said:

… I am in in the planning/building/dreaming/stockpiling/convincing the wife/procrastinating stage.

Devon, get up from that four letter word, you are sitting upon, and get something… anything… done!

or do you like to end like me?

45 years into largescale, two and a half layouts in my past, and “working” now ten or eleven years on my layout Nr. 4.

i ignore your age, but all too soon you’ll reach the age, where time left becomes scarce.

Good advice korm. Honestly my problem is figuring out how to divide time. I have over obligated myself and in all of my endeavors I seem to be at the bottom of my list. No one to blame but me but life is passing me by. This weekend I have dedicated to me.

well, that makes me feel better. that i’m not the only one, who can’t manage time.

but don’t make the mistake to retire!

i did that, only to see the “darling-does” multiply like rabbits, each and every one of relatives and friends growing the habit to say: “oh, since you got plenty of time now, could you…?” and nobody reacting quickly to my demands, because i got so much time.

I’m a Professional Crastinator, the wages are poor but the hours are great!


Oh yeah. I might retire (or try) if I thought I would get more of what I want to do actually accomplished, but really the more time I have usually the less I get done. Very weird phenomenon. It’s all backwards…like golf, the easier you hit the ball the farther it goes. I hate that.

Yea, I find that time pressure gets me moving, and moving faster, and with more determination.

David Maynard said:

Yea, I find that time pressure gets me moving, and moving faster, and with more determination.

I agree. And once the Mojo got werkin’ it’s still going. I spent every night on the couch all winter until the Challenge started. Now I’m still in the workshop every evening getting some unfinished projects done. Film at 11.

John, good for you. I have been lazy again. But I blame that on my whole work situation. I come home drained and take a nap on the couch, with the dog curled up in my lap.