The muriatic acid bath can be. . .um . . . er. . . well lets say interesting. This is an outdoor project for one. Besides the fumes this can turn violent in an instant. So I mixed the solution 2:1 two parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part acid. Here is where I then went horribly wrong. I did this in a tall drinking glass and then added about half the panels at once. A few seconds later a few bubble began to form then a few more and about 45 seconds into it I had a raging cauldron of spewing acid. almost completely boiled itself empty. Acid everywhere. So I got the panels into baking soda and water. Then cleaned up my mess. Everything that was important took a bath in soda water. everything else was thrown away.
So moral of the story. Do this outside. Clear a space free of anything you don’t want bathed in acid. Go slow. One panel at a time maybe two but be ready.
BTW I have some very nicly aged panels. Time to do the rest.