Yes David, they are predicting more rain this weekend.
Sorry to be so late in following up, it’s been raining here. lol. I got a new jet from Cliff at Accucraft. I also inserted some stainless steel mesh inside the burner. I tried putting it around the outside, but it just wouldn’t fit in the hole. I had to remove the water tank to get to the burner. After all this, it seems to run ok now and is much quieter. It still has trouble keeping up steam pressure, but not like before. I am going to try putting warm water in the tank rather than room temp water and see if that helps. Anyway, it’s a nice engine.
Last week I was offered one of these models - not imported to yUK - for ‘only’ £4500 all-in - by an acquaintance. He is ‘happy’ to bring ‘anything Accucraft that isn’t generally on sale in UK’ for the discerning modeller of US prototypes.
I was as polite as possible, and advised him to go away.
Ottawa Valley GRS
tac Foley said:
Last week I was offered one of these models - not imported to yUK - for ‘only’ £4500 all-in - by an acquaintance. He is ‘happy’ to bring ‘anything Accucraft that isn’t generally on sale in UK’ for the discerning modeller of US prototypes.
I was as polite as possible, and advised him to go away.
Ottawa Valley GRS
Tac, that’s over $5,000. You made the right decision.
John - right now that’s over $6000, by a goodly lump.
He could not have known me, as just because I LOOK stoopid, it don’t mean I ARE stoopid!
Ottawa thing Garden whatsit