David Bodnar said:
Todd - the most inexpensive radio control you are likely to find may be this one:
It uses a simple LED lighting control unit and a small hand-held RC transmitter - as you receive it you don’t have a reverse option but adding that is described on my web page here: http://www.trainelectronics.com/Articles/RadioControl-LED-8Amp/index.htm
I had a great time working with these little gems and have used them very successfully on my outdoor railroad when I just want to run a small train around the yard. The ones I built up had no trouble with a Shay pulling a number of cars.
If you are OK with no reverse the hole thing can be done for less than $10.00 plus batteries.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I have used this on an old MDC Big Hustler and it works well I added the picaxe reverser as well.
Most of my other locos I have used this; http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/satr/2point4GHz.htm. For sound I used the Talking Electronics sound card with the picaxe delay and the effect is very realistic; http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/satr/sound.htm
Simple effective and low cost.
My batteries and R/C gear I get from Hobbyking