Large Scale Central

2024 Mik's Build Challenge

maybe he is a yesterday man - man - man…

Nah, just got an ear worm when the shingles were drying.

Like everyone here…
I’M KING OF THE CASTLE when she’s not around (cue the “man song!”) Seriously though, try the veal!

I’m pretty lucky though.


Well, being new to the LSC, I was a bit reluctant to participate in the Mik. I was finding a lot of old posts that looked encouraging BUT the pictures had been lost. E.g. Ralph’s goat Mik…

…so I was thinking, maybe next year when I have got some better skills, I might possibly enter. That quote of Fred’s convinced me that I should give it a “go” and participate.

“I did it Mik’s Way” just triggered the Sinatra link, and me losing 1-2 hours daily to reading the LSC, gave me the story, and of course there is a web page that gives you words that rhyme with “challenge”, plus, gluing on shingles with Titebond 3 gives a man lots of time to think! …a lot of time to think!

Bill Harper ?
Charlie Hines?

Nobody wants to hear this, but I’ll say it anyways…

LAST 24 Hours to go…

Lets get the little bitty pieces stuck on and not have to put in an all nighter…

Looking more and more like a DNF once again for me. The progress I was hoping to make today just didn’t materialize and tomorrow looks just a doubtful. But that’s okay with me. I’m closer than I was 29 days ago on this project.

I got bored so I’m finishing up lettering this little Beasty and a bunch of little bits and pieces about the layout and rolling stoc. Don’t know when I’ll have the excuse to focus this much time again on layout stuff :crazy_face:

I think we need to have a VIC challenge. What can you build in 12 hours.

I’d need a 30 day head start and a team of 5!🦸🏻‍♂️

I’ve been imagining Vic, quietly sitting in a TV audience following the celebrity chef, up until the reveal.

Chef: Here’s one we prepared earlier.
Vic: (now standing up in the studio audience) Well, here’s one I prepared during the commercial break… and mine’s still hot. And here’s the oven I baked it in, made from bits and pieces I found around the studio.:man_cook:t3:


For some reason I feel like a 12 hour challenge I might actually be able to pull off. :joy:

Well didn’t finish, was sidetracked by life and other issues, so calling it almost finished, or more than likely “as good as it’s going to get!

I’m staying awake for the finish.
Now where’s David and Korm?

back on deck.

reading thru here now :sunglasses:

Same here. Too much life got in the way. I need another month to finish!

I think the working stiffs among us should get 60 days. :wink:

We can have a post MIK build completion challenge. See how many years it takes to finally finish a 3/4 finished MIK project.

Shoot, and I didn’t even talk about something else I wanted to build for mine…

I have two that are less than half done. Might actually start working on one of them if I can find the parts!

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Please get your Mik build Glamor shots posted before Monday Morning!!!

Please, even if you are a “Did Not Finish”, post what you have done…


Because I’m usually into another MIK build using up stuff I have on hand that does not
doesn’t, don’t pertain to trains.

Currently working on some “Totally Ghetto” but workable gas light rebuilds with stuff I have on hand. So far I have only spent $20 + PA sales tax which should not count!
However kinda like my Amtrash …nobody’s interested in that crap which is exactly what people said when I was buying up old gas light garbage!

Well I for one happen to like old gas lights. I wouldn’t mind seeing what your up too.

I have a couple that are on either side of my BBQ. Nothing old. But I am finding them to be rare enough that I can’t get a globe I need. Of course these are nor exactly old but they are not common. These aren’t old school tradional gas lights as much as obscure propane lights.