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2024 Christmas / Holiday Trains - Post Your Photos Here!

Great photos everyone.

I don’t have one to share this year, but I still want to say:

Merry Christmas


The Ümlaut Express.

First run of something in :keycap_ten: YEARS.


Eric yes! You were right. Finally nice to have something up and running.

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well, nothing special:

Not a fancy decorated Christmas train but one of long tradition. This American Flyer set was bought by my Father in Law for my future wife in 1952 when she was 6 years old and has been under a Christmas tree every year since. It has spent the last 55 years in our home but our daughter keeps wondering when it will be under her tree, probably sooner than later.

The evolution of our Christmas trees,
The wife and I were discussing this a couple of weeks ago.
When first married and for many years Christmas trees for us were a tradition dating back to our childhoods. Load up all the supplies needed in the truck and head for the mountains, about half way to the perfect tree stop and chain up the truck to get as far as you could to locate the perfect specimen.

Once located cut and load and have some hot chocolate but hot coffee and brandy was much better. Arrive home cold, wet and tired but everybody had a great time. We would never in our lifetime consider an artificial tree for our home.

Years pass, the kids are grown and gone but grandkids are appearing and a real tree is still relevant but much more difficult to produce. Then the grandkids are having children and moving to other places to pursue their lives and a real tree seems somehow too much trouble and expense.

So the first artificial tree appears and seems easy and looks good, nice 8 foot tall with lots of color and hours of decorating and keeps the spirit of Christmas alive. Now all the grandchildren and great grandchildren have their own lives and moving at what seems like sonic speed.

This year we wanted something smaller and simpler and easier so the 4 foot tree from Walmart, sigh, but the American Flyer is still sailing around at the base of the tree.

Merry Christmas to all my friends of many years on this forum

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Not current since we haven’t had a large tree set up since the kids moved out 12 years ago. I still have the base stored!

Our first Christmas layout around the tree…

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Our grandson is finally reaching train age, yay!

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Christmas train running, 2024.

My Christmas Present train, a most unusual device for serving Sushi:

It comes with 3 spare plates, so when 3 are gone, the chef can add more. (I’m told I could get Google to translate the box.)


Wow where did you find that!

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Wow, love it!

Several on Amazon are selling it…

I’d think that I should order 2 sets. That would make a larger track for the dining table, provide 6 serving plate-cars, and an extra loco for parts!

They do have expansion sets. 2cars 4track. Some reviews of the motor underpowered makes your idea more logical (assuming there is logic in this fantastic purchase opportunity) on the other hand…



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So do they have mail bags full of insects along the line so the train can snag them on the run and allow them to be passed around for everyone to share? If they don’t perhaps Amy from Hong Kong could chime in and help here?

My daughter noticed in in the “Suggested Christmas Gifts” pages of the New York Magazine. Guess they thought NYers would need a Sushi Train.
She commented that the reviews said the longer train struggled to pull the extra cars. Cliff - keep the 2 trains of 3 cars!

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OK Pete, I just bit… Will report in a day or so. :smiley:

One day later… Viola!

My mom, God rest her soul, always expected greatness for me; yet I always had my doubts. But now, here I am nailing it!!


Regarding what you were referring to Rooster…


… at least the AI didn’t interpret it “Infect dish.”

Hopefully this will become the standard for food presentation on Devon’s Cooking Fun Foods thread.

  • one glamour shot
  • one action shot

And it goes without saying any Cooking Fun Food disasters would now be post-able on Joe Zullo’s Train Wrecks thread.

Bill, I think you’re on to something. With this new technology, perhaps we’ll see a new and quite literal genre of model railroading:

:grin: Fun Food Train Wrecks :grin:

Just add cat or toddler.