Large Scale Central

LGB Bumper for Reverse track or ???

A reader who thinks I know more than I do about this stuff contacted me about an LGB track bumper he acquired that he is hoping to use. His comments are here:

So can you please get in touch with your LGB people and please please can you identify what LGB piece of track equipment I have here.

I think it’s a relay for one way back and forth moving trains like a cable line car or a trolley car.
But on the trolley car relay , the green mother board has 2 blue dials so you can adjust the speed.
This one (as you can see in the photos) only has 1 red dial and there is a LGB STICKER THAT READS ;


But I think that is a inspection sticker and not a p/n sticker.
There are 2 pairs of red and blue track terminals and a black And white wires for the light That sits on top of the END OF TRACK BUMPER.
when I looked at other END OF TRACK BUMPERS they don’t have this set up on the inside.
Am IÂ missing something? Like a pair of turn around sensors of track ?

Have any of you come across this? Thanks!

I’ve uploaded a photo of the thing here:

The gold sticker is a date code in the format of YDDMMY, day is always 01. SO, the sticker is Feb 01, 1995, a very old reversing unit LGB 0090. Search LGB 0090 pdf for the unit breakdown. Red pot is for time delay. switch is X1 or X10 time delay. Diagram shows input power and track power connections. Speed is from power supply input.

ALso note you will need diodes in the tracks at each end of the run. 0090 output power goes between the diodes, not the end of the track.

Thanks, Dan, that’s a big help. I’ll forward him your comments.