Large Scale Central

Looking for a forum member...Billy

As the title is saying:

Pretty strange question, i realize.

I am looking for a forum member that is building his own live steam locos.

I know it was Billy or something.

I read some of his threads some even ten years old, V E R Y interesting so absolutely no negativism or hars feelings…more like the opposite!

He made it very simple to copy his ideas, yes i have some experience with a lathe and such…

But his name? billy…???1900??? i hope someone will know about whom i am talking about.

To be sure…:Billy i am a big fan of your work, would like to do it also(copy it for my own models).

With best regards Igor

bille 1906 Bill Allen live steam forum

He’s a fantastic craftsman building one of a kind live steam models.

Thank you very much Tom.


I only found his youtube videos, But no link back to the forum, could you please give a link?

With best regards Igor

HMMMMM yes, i am pretty red faced right now…(

I spelled Bille with a y(, and wrong forum…(

Ah yes coffee, morning.(
