Large Scale Central

Air brake history & functionality

I’m doing some design work on a V&T derrick car, and am trying to get a better handle on how the brake rigging & control devices work. I ran across this multi-part documentary on George Westinghouse, where parts 5-7 focus on air brake development. Kinda fun, so I thought I’d pass it along.

Here’s a simple animation that helped me to understand better what’s going on in each car.

Edit to say that I’m glad to finally understand the diff between “straight air” and “automatic” systems. Both were used on the V&T, with the former giving way to the latter, not quite sure when. But the derrick car I’m studying clearly had automatic brakes, in view of its cylinder / reservoir. Fun stuff!


Just ran across this not long ago Cliff. It was 1890 and when the air brake company moved to Pennsylvania. Don’t hurt yourself as it’s a VERY slippery slope from here. However I believe you are seasoned…

Merry Christmas

If you want/need a drawing of an airframe arrangement of a car to usr as an example, I have a drawing that shows all the piping and where it all goes. Won’t be exact for your car, but it could give a better idea.

Wow, what a great catalog Rooster, thanks! Just downloaded it; great diagrams.

Thanks Craig, PM sent.

[edit] Rooster, I’m using a diagram from that catalog to make the air cylinder / reservoir / triple valve model. Very cool.

Were you a new railroader, they’d have you stay at the YMCA … well in Pittsburgh anyway … It was next to the tracks as train crew quarters.

They also taught;

Any questions?

I have questions, but would I be guilty of “pumping” you for answers? (