Large Scale Central

Min radius track for a accucraft 28 ton shay

Hey guys! First post here. I have a question??

I have a new accucraft 28 ton shay. And was hoping to run it on my lgb track. Just realized it won’t go around my r1 radius ( track p/n 11000)
Does anyone know or have experience with there shay going around r2 radius track? (Lgb p/n 15000) 61" radius



Needs R3 at the minimum Chuck. The Shay unfortunatly takes some big curves. The Climax or Heisler type of geared engine will go around much tighter curves. If you need a logging type engine that will go around tight curves, look at the Regner Lumberjack. It will go around R1 with ease. Or the Roundhouse Sammie saddle tank with a Baldwin look to him. Mike

Oh that’s no good. I may have a shay for sale !!