Large Scale Central

The Hoodlems tagged a hopper car

Yep, I’ve been tagged. My guard cat’s are slacking these days. lol. Anyway…

Nice. I keep thinking about tagging a car, but I do not know what to tag onto the car. I do not want to offend anyone.

I will be real curious to see where this thread goes. I got the crazy idea to tag some HO stuff. I mean after all its authentic isn’t it. On the forum I belonged to at the time I posted a pic of my first attempts, holy cow did I stir up a hornets nest. Some guys agreed it was authentic and some felt it was as much a crime as the people doing it in 1:1. The idea being that we are “promoting” it.

I for one have no problem with it. Those look great and looks like an everyday hopper.

How does the car play tag, with no arms??? (

Guard Cats? Your Hoodlums might be mice but where are they getting the spray paint? Buying at Walmart you have to be 18.

Tagging is criminal but it does add colour to otherwise dull cars and a level of authenticity to the model train.

If you are a Simpson TV show fan you could add “EL BARTO”

Years ago G scale tagged cars were in a art show. Talk about promoting it. There are cars on ebay right now that are all painted up.

Tagged cars do look right at home on a modern RR.

lol… Never thought about it stirring things up. I just thought it looked more realistic.

lol @ Todd. Good point.

I have heard the argument that “tagging” (putting graffiti on) our models promotes “tagging” in real life. I am in the camp of; we are making miniature representations of real life, so why not model tagged cars? If we modeled a grade crossing accident, would folks say we are promoting grade crossing accidents? Or are we promoting weathering by weathering our rolling stock?

Some graffiti is gang related, and since I do not know what graffiti is, and what graffiti isn’t, I hesitate to copy some of what I have seen. Like I said, I don’t want to inadvertently offend anyone by accidentally using gang related symbology or art.

We go way beyond just tagging.

See video at 2:10.

Also see the Art Crimes web site. Many of these tags are available commercially.

Todd, oh Todd!

although i did not see any graffity in your video…

you promote smoking, drinking, stealing and even Lynching!

somebody, somewhere will ban you for sure.

i was planning, to decorate my stock cars with “cow-green”. does that mean, that i will be promoting B.S.?

LOL Korm, I see that you get my point.

Korm Kormsen said:

Todd, oh Todd!

although i did not see any graffity in your video…

you promote smoking, drinking, stealing and even Lynching!

somebody, somewhere will ban you for sure.

i was planning, to decorate my stock cars with “cow-green”. does that mean, that i will be promoting B.S.?

How could you miss it? Look at the “Beer Chaser,” the “Reefer,” and “La Bamba,” the engine.

Well if my track work is shoddy does that mean I promote shoddy track work ( glad to see at least so far people on here have a dose of reality. One guy even refused to talk to me anymore because I continued to agree that it was proper to do so.

Todd I always love seeing your RR. Its like what would happen if an LA gang decided it needed a railroad.

Devon Sinsley said:

… One guy even refused to talk to me anymore because I continued to agree that it was proper to do so…

Well Devon, there was your mistake. Doing what is proper is a giant “no no” in some groups.

Isn’t there a company offering graffiti decals that you can stick on the side of cars?

I know I will offend someone, but I deplore graffiti. Whether it’s on a prototype or on our models. Someone here pointed out that by adding graffiti to our models we could be promoting it in real life. I believe that to be true. If kids see that crap on our trains, they’ll think it’s okay to do it.

Well another one other than the website in this topic. I have seen it somewhere.

Dan, I don’t endorse it, and yes I think them hoodlums should be punished for defacing property that isn’t theirs. I was one of the folks that cheered when it was announced that Mook had been caught. Mook tagged a lot of stuff around Pittsburgh, and he usually signed his moniker to his “work”.

As for showing kids that its ok to tagg trains in real life, I don’t believe that. Kids learn (or don’t learn) respect for other peoples’ property from many influences in their lives. If they have learned it, then they know its wrong to tagg anything. If they haven’t learned it, then my boxcar isn’t going to inspire them to go do it. All they have to do is watch almost any passing train and they will get all the “inspiration” they need.

thanks Todd.

on the stills i can see it perfectly.

its a time lag thing.

they say, that if somebody in our area laughs at church on sunday, he heard a nasty joke on friday.