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sharpening saw blades?

I have a Proxxon miniature table saw, same as the Microlux saw.

Over the years I have dulled quite a few saw blades. Looking at the pile of dull blades I keep wondering, is there an easy way to sharpen those suckers? I could use a file and file each tooth, but I think that would get rather tedious.

sharpening service? I have used one to do regular table saw blades. charged by the tooth so I don’t know.

Yea, but these blades are so small, I am not sure a service would even bother. And, I don’t know if it would be worth the cost. I mean, I am looking to save a few bucks.

Here is an idea.

Another option from Harbor Freight.

Do not know the minimum baled size it can handle.

Dennis in Tennessee


How much do the blades cost new?

Find a blade sharpening business and ask them. I resharpen my Shopsmith blades because it’s hard to find that size with a large center hole. (They don’t use the standard 5/8 inch.) I even had them cut the large hole in a 10 inch blade when I had damaged a blade beyond resharpening¡

David Maynard said:

Yea, but these blades are so small, I am not sure a service would even bother. And, I don’t know if it would be worth the cost. I mean, I am looking to save a few bucks.

I hear you, we are on the same page. I know for me to have the sharpening done is almost a push with the cheaper blades on the market. It is a bit cheaper but not much. I want to say the last time I had a blade done it was like 10 or 12 bucks and you can get blades at home depot for that. I have been buying brand new diablo blades and haven’t had anything sharpened in over ten years. I just use them as disposable.

So those small blades I don’t know. I know people sharpen their own. to tedious for me.

Dick Friedman said:

Find a blade sharpening business and ask them. I resharpen my Shopsmith blades because it’s hard to find that size with a large center hole. (They don’t use the standard 5/8 inch.) I even had them cut the large hole in a 10 inch blade when I had damaged a blade beyond resharpening¡

I don’t use my SS for that but that is good to know.

For 50 bucks I might have to give the harbor freight sharpener a try.

The blades cost $21.50 from Micromark. They are 3.25 inch diameter blades. Kind of small for the sharpening tools you guys posted here.

I usually wait for a sale, and then get them a bit cheaper. But I have dulled up quite a few over the years.

Geez yeah I don’t know if you could do that on one of those tools. I am seriously thinking about getting one of the Harbor freight sharpeners. If I do maybe you could send me one and I could see. I don’t know when I would get one but for that price it would pay for itself pretty quick.

Some sharpening services cost varies depending on the number of teeth, considering the size and the number of teeth I can’t see it being cost effective on that size blade. Premium wood working blades can go for well over $100 and they are definitely worth sharpening. The service I used a few times had a computer operated sharpener that would first scan all teeth and determine if any needed more material removed than the others and then would take an equal amount off all teeth to maintain balance. I seem to recall they charged around $25 average per blade so blades $50 and up were worth the expense (to me anyway). One place I worked sent all their machine tools out for sharpening, their rule of thumb for drill bits and end mills was 3/8" and under were perishable, over 3/8" got resharpened.

I agree with Gary,

My service (when I used them) charged by the tooth. I want to say I paid $10 to $15 over ten years ago on average. That was for carbide tip; don’t know if it makes a difference. @25 a blade I can buy that HF sharpener and pays for itself in two blades. But you get what you pay for. It would not be a replacement for a quality sharpening. But tuning up cheap blades may be well worth it.