Large Scale Central

Two busy days,

Schlepping concrete blocks and rocks for two days has me a bit bushed. At long last that rock pile known as “Kreuzberg” (Cross Mountain) is up to the desired height.

Completing the wood structure with styrofoam and getting the cable cars running can’t be far off. Hmmmm, really? :wink: :slight_smile:

The discussion during coffee break turned to what goes into the cleared area. No sooner had we returned to slaving when the neighbour called across the fence if we had use for some round river rocks - used to be an unstable slope, half of which rolled down against our fence. Aye, aye, aye! Timing was perfect we need voluminous fill and they get rid of the “stupid” rock.




It’s “a mountain a-building and oh my aching back” time … again! Oh, I’m also replacing the rickety fence and flag stone needs to be placed, too. There will be plenty of busy days prior to the next holiday… Those 36" panels? They are actually prefabed gates (55" high) which lend themselves for stepping down along that slope. Instead of concreting the posts I use ground spikes, no digging and accurate placement that makes shimming and/or cursing unnecessary. :wink: :slight_smile:

One more panel to go


Trim the posts, what’s left should be just dandy for the staging yard supports.


First PVC pipes of the next stage going in, the large MinRad template keeps the curves “honest”.

The panels look great! Do I understand correctly that the wooden structure at the top of the mountain will be sculpted with styrofoam or concrete for a rock-faced peak?

Yes Joe, that’s the plan, styrofoam covered with gook and blended with the rest. Perhaps I’ll add some planting pockets for real plants, too. But at the moment I’m pushing on the rough landscaping in the expansion area. Wednesday is supposed to be the first really sunny day with more coming after. Thursday we’re off on a short holiday, so that is a good thing. :wink:

@ Rooster


If you need to decypher the … let me know. …