Large Scale Central

Getting rid of volunteers

Creeping Charlie, Canadian thistles and dandelions are bad enough, but wth do you use on wild morning glory? The stuff grows 3" to 2’ overnight, and pulling it just seems to make it grow back faster. Unwrapping it from rose bushes and spruce trees is no fun, either.

An overlooked root came in some free fill last year, and I’ve been fighting it ever since.


RoundUP is the best solution. Make sure what you spray is actively growing, it’s warm, and no rain in 24 hours. Don’t disturb the soil, you may make more “babies” that will make your weed situation worse!! It may take repeated applications, don’t give up.


I forgot to add, don’t spray RounUp around your Roses it will produce deformed flowers. You can hand paint the solution on the Morning Glory leaves, don’t saturate the soil with it.

The pale purple flowers are rather pretty, and I’d probably leave it alone if it didn’t try to cover and choke out EVERYTHING it touches. Stuff is as bad as Vinca.

I’ll try painting the leaves… IF it ever stops raining for a whole day again. I’m not worried about the roses ($5 “mini” roses from the grocery store that turned out to be mini grafts on tea rose stock… so we have tea roses this year) as much as the spruces. Sometimes it takes months to show up that you damaged them, and by then it’s too late.

Morning Glory should be called Bloody Pain In The A…well you know. Pretty flowers but…Chokes out everything, overruns everything, grows like something from a Stephen King novel…Round Up works best, so does a Flamethrower.

I’m having trouble with white ones.
They grow faster than I can pull them out.
Maybe I’ll try the flamethrower, at least that wont poison the ground.
The other problem weed is Red Root. It says in the book that the seeds from the red root plant can lay dormant for 70 years before it sprouts. Gees I’m licked already, I wonder how many seeds are in the ground now. :rolleyes:
Give me the flame thrower I scorch everything.

You have to contact a licensed landscaper. There is a product that is like Round Up, but instead, has the ability to kill trees. This is what you use and only they can apply it. Regards, Dennis.

OH, you mean Crossbow.
I used it before. That stuff kills the tough ones.
I can’t get that any more though.

Now you know why the fill was free. That was the only way to get rid of the pest… :slight_smile:

Mik said:
Creeping Charlie, Canadian thistles and dandelions are bad enough, but wth do you use on wild morning glory? The stuff grows 3" to 2' overnight, and pulling it just seems to make it grow back faster. Unwrapping it from rose bushes and spruce trees is no fun, either.

An overlooked root came in some free fill last year, and I’ve been fighting it ever since.

hehe “Getting rid of Volunteers.” I’m a volunteer at the Botanic. Of course, at the Botanic, the guests refer to us as “Conductors.” With my background in electronics, I’m not sure I like being thought of as a conductor.


Crossbow will kill it but, you have to be licenced to use it.

Dennis Brown said:
You have to contact a licensed landscaper. There is a product that is like Round Up, but instead, has the ability to kill trees. This is what you use and only they can apply it. Regards, Dennis.
FWIW Roundup will kill trees. I killed a fifteen-foot high Manitoba maple with it about four years ago.

It’s still very dead.

John Le Forestier said:
Dennis Brown said:
You have to contact a licensed landscaper. There is a product that is like Round Up, but instead, has the ability to kill trees. This is what you use and only they can apply it. Regards, Dennis.
FWIW Roundup will kill trees. I killed a fifteen-foot high Manitoba maple with it about four years ago.

It’s still very dead.

You must have dumped a gallon of concentrated stuff on it then. I’ve sprayed Round-Up around my trees for years and it never bothered them.

Ken Brunt said:
You must have dumped a gallon of concentrated stuff on it then. I've sprayed Round-Up around my trees for years and it never bothered them.
Nope. I just sprayed its leaves with the regular strength stuff. Three weeks later the tree was history, no problem.
John Le Forestier said:
Ken Brunt said:
You must have dumped a gallon of concentrated stuff on it then. I've sprayed Round-Up around my trees for years and it never bothered them.
Nope. I just sprayed its leaves with the regular strength stuff.
Well, yea, spraying the leaves will kill it. and once those are gone, the trees history.

Not on Elm trees, Weekly sprayings stunts them but gone… NOPE.