Large Scale Central

Time for some operating rules?

Good points on speed. I like to run my trains slow, so you’ll get no argument from me.

I don’t have any measurement points set up, but with a steam engine, I determine too fast by the sound. My sound car is set up to give roughly 4 chuffs per revolution. Anything faster than 50 RPM (200 chuffs/min) sounds way too fast. I’m inclined to run closer to 20 RPM, especially up the long grade.

Knowing the size of the drivers, you could calculate speed from the sound, but I don’t have the prototype dimensions handy! If I guess, I’d say my slow (20 RPM) is about 3-5 MPH and my fast (50 RPM) is around 15 MPH - or Just Right!


{EDIT} If my math is correct, and it rarely is, calling the Connie’s drivers 36" in 1:20.3 I get about 2 MPH for my slow (20 RPM or 80 chuffs/min) and a little over 5 MPH for my fast (50 RPM or 200 chuffs/min). Using this same questionable math I get almost 600 chuffs/Min at 15 MPH which seems wrong (10 chuffs/Second)

Oh math teacher … — …