Large Scale Central

testing ie11

David Maynard said:

E. Paul Austin said:

Maybe it is time to go back to XP Pro operating system! Yes it worked just fine! And I would be very careful with Windows 10!


Back to? Gee, I never left.

Me too, but it’s getting harder and harder to stay there especially since my main XP computer runs like crap and I have proven that something is buggered in my OS because the same hardware runs great on W7. W10 is likely my next destination.

Yea, my XP has had a snark for a while. Every so often it hangs for a minute or two, and then runs like it should.

Sometimes software occupies data space while running, and then, for one reason or another, doesn’t give it back when you quit the application. Eventually the computer sees the “dead” data, and starts re-allocating the data space. Sometimes this takes a second, or it could take a couple of minutes. Just a thought.

Andrew, could be. I know Firefox doesn’t give back its memory right away.

David Maynard said:

Yea, my XP has had a snark for a while. Every so often it hangs for a minute or two, and then runs like it should.

Exactly what mine is doing. Probably a glitch planted by Microsoft in the last updates just to get us to abandon it (